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RE: Baffled by the value of some collectors items!

in Reflections11 months ago

Lol, looks like we are kind of the same, when it comes to these things.

The question which does come up to my mind, is why they really what to have that card. How will it change there life. Is it only to brag about or does this is the prove to themselves that they really made it?

Some people are proud to know they own something unique no one else has, but this is a double edge sword. You pay, let's say 1 million for something and you think you own an 1m piece. But it worth 1m only in case there's someone to pay that amount. Otherwise, it's a waste of money, a bad investment.

Congrats on the BBQ. Could use some grilled chicken 😂


The value of something is indeed what a fool is willing to pay.

Didn't try chicken yet. Only souvlakis and spareribs (they were prepared in the over for 4 hours first).