Healthy and happy greetings. Thank you Reflections by @tarazkp as manager. I try to Reflection a vegetable seller who is carrying his wares, they walk quite a distance to sell their merchandise so they can survive.
Balance in living each person's life Will be different, each Will interpret balance in a different way. Because our environment is different, because our environment is different.
So the background, nature and goals of life are different, of course our solution is to creating balance in life is different. The position of the person carrying the merchandise must be in the middle.
The container and the weight of it's content at the front and the same, so that the person carrying the good is balanced when walking and does not fall. Vegetable containers and poles are Made of bamboo.
Trader bamboo has good flexibility and strength, just like a trader has the strength to live his life. Balance is achieved through harmony between body, mind and spirit. This harmony is a combination of various aspects of life giving birth to synergy in life and balance which is subjective in nature.
Vegetable traders sell their wares every day from 6 am until noon, is to ensure that we have scheduled, said the various things that are very important in life. Apart from the schedule time, they let themselves flow with the flow of their lives.
Thank you, hopefully it's useful.
Life for them is about trying and leaving the result to God
December 20,2024.
Jarang nemu Kang sayur yang Masih mikul Gini, sekarang kalau nggak pakai gerobak bersepeda biasanya ya motor roda tiga (yg viar itu)
Kalau soal harga dan kualitas mungkin sama, tapi belakangan ini makin jarang tukang sayur masuk ke komplek😔 kudu belanja ke warung deh.
Yes, it's true that we rerely see vegetable sellers carrying vegetables. Foto diambil di desa terpencil, thank you. Greetings.