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RE: e-hoarding?

in Reflections11 months ago

I can definitely relate to what you're saying. I'm not a digital hoarder, but I do have a tendency to accumulate a lot of digital clutter. I think it's partly because it's so easy to save things these days. We can easily download files, save emails, and bookmark websites without really thinking about it. And before we know it, our digital lives are overflowing with stuff.

I think the key is to be intentional about our digital clutter. We need to regularly go through our files and delete anything we don't need. We also need to be careful about what we save. If we're not sure if we'll need something, it's better to delete it.

I also think it's important to have a system for organizing our digital clutter. This could be as simple as creating folders for different types of files, or using a cloud storage service like Dropbox or Google Drive. Having a system in place will make it easier to find what we need when we need it.

I know it can be a pain to go through our digital clutter, but it's worth it in the long run.


I think we are the same to some extent, we tend to save and store stuff, sometimes even more than we need. Then we forget or procrastinate organizing and deleting what we don't need.

I think the key is to be intentional about our digital clutter. We need to regularly go through our files and delete anything we don't need. We also need to be careful about what we save. If we're not sure if we'll need something, it's better to delete it.

That is very true and should never be forgotten, or overlooked. Well said.

I know it can be a pain to go through our digital clutter, but it's worth it in the long run.

It can be a pain, but if you do it regularly, then it's not a lot as you don't let the unnecessary things to build up.

Thanks for the opinion @malos10.