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RE: What Building Our Own House Teaches Us About Life [EN/FR]

in Reflections3 months ago

I remember when we first got our land. We were so intimidated by the work to be done we didn't even go to the end of the garden for two weeks!!! Looking back is crazy. One day the trees you plant will be huge. The work you put in will reflect back at you. You are inspiring and I'm so happy and excited for your journey! Hands in the dirt? Can't go wrong.


That's why I mentioned you haha, you're a warrior of sorts. I'm beginning to understand your journey and I'm keen to use it as a guide.

Not everyone is cut out for this life. But I think a lot of people think they're made for a more superficial life when a return to the earth wouldn't do them any harm. Everyone's different, but I think we all have an extremely deep bond with the Earth that nourishes us and all its inhabitants.

My dream would be to live in harmony with all that. To really understand everything around me. But every "biome" is different. I'll start with my 3500m² of land. I think there's already a lot to learn about this ecosystem. Some of the plants alone could be the subject of many books.