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RE: Build Back

in Reflectionslast year

First, it is impressive that you can type these many words on your phone. Either you are too desperate to not break your streak or you have a really good hand eye coordination. You may have an amazing smart phone as well- the third reason :P
I have never interacted with you in-person. Based on your writings and the way I have interacted with you on the platform, you do have logic and you possess a skill to persuade others via arguments. I am not sure you have these skills because you have in-born character to lead or because you have knowledge to lead the discussion and conclude in a right fashion.
Just a note- what language you use at work? Finnish or English or a mix of two or other any other language?


I am rarely desperate, nor do I have good coordination - and my phone is old and broken :)

I only speak English and a little Finnish - nowhere good enough to work in it. I should try harder to learn, but it has become even more difficult.