
What a beauty!!! Nature gives people such a variety to observe, just need to slow down a bit in the constant pursuit of somewhere. Sometimes you just need to stop, look around and realize how beautiful this world is. And how little is needed for a real person to be happy!!!

Yes it is great to be out in the nature. 😊

This is the darkest time of the year. Now its already getting brigher and brighter every day 😀

have to enjoy it as long it last 😊

Beautiful lights! Sunrise at 10am! It would be weird for me to live in the dark for a long time! LoL

A great difference from summer with light 24 hours.

All day lighting would really confuse me too! When to know it’s sleeping time?! LoL

But I guess people born on that land would be used to this!


Happy Solstice ✨ Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! to you and yours! ❤ @harkar! :-)

Thank you very much. Merry Christmas to you🎄