Amazing Nature Botany Curation: Nov 2021 #3

in Amazing Nature3 years ago
Authored by @@redheadpei


We appreciate your posts and the following ones are randomly selected because of their botanical qualities. They are manually curated on behalf of the Amazing Nature Community.

Botany is a broad term covering scientific study of plants. It could be from a small living organism to a tree. Included would be flora, fungi, lichens, trees and flowering plants.

We are also interested in plants for their psychological (good for the mind & soul) benefits.

I would like to bring your attention to the curated posts and ask you to show some love to the amazing authors:

  • @mariperez316 appreciates the pleasures of nature while walking in the open air. She shares with us the cheery Zinnia flower that not only attracts the eye but is visited by pollinating agents.



  • @monycatt sees the wild Saffron (merendera montana) as it appears at the end of autumn in the countryside. It’s appearance announces the "bad weather" ahead and the end of the mountain picnics for the season.



  • @alechi recently purchased a small cacti plant. He doesn’t know if it is true but heard an interesting idea back in the 90’s ~ to leave cacti near the computer will help absorb radiation from monitors.



  • @milaoz captures asters blooming near a residential building. Seeing these flowers brought back memories of her parent’s garden where asters were one of the main flowers. They had enjoyed these flowers by decorating the house and making bouquets with them.



To be eligible for curation:

  • Contents must be posted directly into the Amazing Nature Community feed or use hive-127788 as first tag if posting from Ecency.

  • Photographs and text must be your own or properly sourced with a nice description for each individual photo. Please state why those photos represent your Amazing Nature.

  • Do not post a string of pictures without text. Add some explanations between each one of them.

Entries for the Amazing Nature Contest and Thematic Challenge are separate. They will be highlighted in the competition evaluation.


Special features in Amazing Nature

Twitter Accounts

DNA - Densifying Nature-Appreciation


DNA searches for HIGH-QUALITY posts that aim to DESCRIBE and determine the BIODIVERSITY AROUND YOU with added EXPLANATIONS and INFORMATION. For these informative posts they offer a CURATION SERVICE using the account. It is also a CURATION TRAIL. Just add the #dna TAG if you think that any of your posts are what they are looking for.

DNA is the home of #amazingnature for all your post about the amazing nature all around us, the #aquaticsentinels for all your posts about marine topics, the #featheredfriends for all you great posts about our feathered friends, the #fungifriday for all your posts about fungi and mushrooms and the #insectsoftheworld for all posts about the world of insects.



Clickable banner by @barbara-orenya

Thanks Nature Lovers for being with us!

See you next time with more amazing posts!




Thank you for appreciating my creative impulse, @hive-127788

I love the photos 🥰

you are so creative in your post. I can see it very graphic

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Yay! 🤗
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