[Eng-Spa] An old resident of my city / Un viejo residente de mi ciudad.

in Amazing Nature2 years ago (edited)

Oscuro y Crema Especiales Café Foto Collage (1).png

Hello again Hive friends, especially to the #Amazingnature community. I have been missing for several months from this site, but always appreciating nature, as I love to take pictures of it.

Hola de nuevo amigos de Hive, especialmente a la comunidad de Amazing Nature. He estado ausente durante varios meses de este sitio, pero siempre apreciando la naturaleza, ya que me encanta tomar fotos de ella.



As you can see in this photo, there are some mushrooms making their way through a huge trunk.
That trunk belongs to one of the oldest residents of our central square, its name "Schinus molle". It is a tree over 20 meters tall.
While I was walking around the square taking pictures of my family, I noticed the small inhabitants that accompanied the colossal tree. So I set out to immortalize this moment. This tree has a meaning for my city and, obviously, for all of us who live in it. Many generations have witnessed its growth, although I have always seen it as huge as it is now.

Como se puede apreciar en esta foto, hay unos hongos abriéndose paso a través de un enorme tronco.
Ese tronco pertenece a uno de los residentes más antiguos de nuestra plaza central, su nombre "Schinus molle". Es un árbol de más de 20 metros de altura.
Mientras paseaba por la plaza haciendo fotos a mi familia, me fijé en los pequeños habitantes que acompañaban al colosal árbol. Así que me propuse inmortalizar este momento. Este árbol tiene un significado para mi ciudad y, obviamente, para todos los que vivimos en ella. Muchas generaciones han sido testigos de su crecimiento, aunque yo desde siempre lo he visto tan enorme como ahora.


Here is another more general image of the trunk. So you can contemplate its size.
You already know that it reminds me of the magic entrance of the house in "Pan's Labyrinth". Well, those who saw the movie will understand me.
Unfortunately, there are people who don't understand that these natural beauties must be protected and destroy them by painting meaningless scribbles on their structure.
But even so, it has managed to survive the inclemencies of time and the hand of man.

Aquí hay otra imagen más general del tronco. Para que puedas contemplar su tamaño.
Saben me recuerda a la entrada mágica de la casa de "Laberinto del Fauno". Los que hayan visto la película me entenderán.
Por desgracia, hay personas que no entienden que estas bellezas naturales deben protegerse y las destruyen pintando garabatos sin sentido en su estructura.
Pero aun así, ha conseguido sobrevivir a las inclemencias del tiempo y a la mano del hombre.


Photographs used are my property and edited in Canva

Animated social media graphic saludo de cumple para amiga divertido negro y blanco (1).gif


Pan's Labyrinth! I love that film. I could watch it multiple times and not get tired of doing the analysis after. That tree trunk looks huge you'd imagine there was some hidden world inside it (or perhaps a giant toad with a key in its stomach). 😅

Hi, yes I love that movie too, it's magical.
Maybe we will never know that there really exists a being inside this tree 😅.
Thanks for reading and commenting on my post 🤗.

I love it, I love old trees and I always love seeing mushrooms growing!