Hello Hive adventurers, today I bring you a post full of beautiful photos! they had not visited my brother for a few months and I invited him to my house to go out for a few beers in the most beautiful part of the mountain, he did not know the "Serra da arrabida" and well while we talked I remembered an excellent place to have some drinks and share a bit! my family is spread all over portugal, and i'm basically isolated from them so we make the most of the opportunities to see each other!🤩😎😎🍻🍻
Hola aventureros de Hive, hoy les traigo un post cargado de hermosas fotos! tenian algunos meses sin visitar a mi hermano y lo invite a mi casa para salir a tomarnos unas cervezas en lo mas lindo de la montaña, el no conocia la "Serra da arrabida" y bueno mientras conversabamos recorde un sitio excelente para tomarnos unas bebidas y compartir un poco! mi familia esta distribuida por todo portugal, y basicamente estoy aislado de ellos asi que aprovechamos al maximo las oportunidades para vernos!🍻🍺🍺

Serra da arrabida🧭🌍🚙🚩

This mountain chain is very interesting and extensive, let's say that it is the most important natural reserve in the south of Portugal, here we can carry out many different activities! from climbing, snorkeling, rappelling, kayaking! In short, any activity that involves contact with nature and without a doubt it is my favorite place, it is about 30km from the capital and is very popular in summer due to its magnificent beaches! I am addicted to trails so it is very common to walk around here!🚙⛵🚤🌍
Esta cadena montañosa es muy interante y extensa, digamos que es la reserva natural mas importante de la zona sur de Portugal, aqui podemos realizar muchas actividades diferentes! desde escalar, practicar snorkeling, Rápel, Kayak! en resumen cualquier actividad que envuelva un contacto con la naturaleza y sin duda es mi sitio favorito, esta a unos 30km de la capital y es muy concurrida en verano por sus magnificas playas! soy adicto a los senderos asi que es muy comun pasearme por aqui!🚩🧭🌄🌄

I am the oldest of three brothers and I feel that my responsibility is to guide them so that they make good decisions, even though we do not have a big age difference, they see me as if I were an example to follow, obviously to get to that point I had to be a figure exemplary for them! And well, when we see each other he tells me how everything is in his home, how he runs everything with your work, and if he feels that he can make any changes in his life, surely he asks me for my opinion and advice! I don't complain about my life because I have achieved all the goals I have set for myself so they always learn from me! I feel very happy to know that I can inspire other people!🧭🤯😲🙋♂️💁♂️🙅♂️
Soy el mayor de tres hermanos y siento que me responsabilidad es orientarlos para que tomen buenas decidisiones apesar que no nos llevamos una diferencia grande de edad ellos me ven como si fuera un ejemplo a seguir, obviamente para llegar a ese punto tuve que ser una figura ejemplar para ellos! y bueno cuando nos vemos el me cuenta como esta todo en su hogar, como corre todo con tu trabajo, y si el siente que puede hacer algun cambio en su vida seguramente me pide mi opinion y consejo! no me quejo de mi vida porque e concretizado todos los objetivos que me he trazado asi que ellos siempre aprenden de mi! me siento muy feliz saber que puedo inspirar a otras personas!💥💖💖
There are those who just go to a bar to chat and enjoy some good beers but that doesn't work with me! xD sometimes my brothers don't want to do certain activities with me because they know that when I do trails we are going to sweat and move a lot! xD but I gave my brother Johan this gift, we would simply climb a rock more than 700 meters high to enjoy the beaches of the arrabida🌍🚙🚙
Hay quienes siemplemente se van a un bar para conversar y disfrutar de unas buenas cervezas pero eso conmigo no funciona! xD aveces mis hermanos no quieren hacer ciertas actividades conmigo porque saben que cuando hago senderos vamos a sudar y movernos mucho! xD pero a mi hermano Johan le di este obsequio simplemente nos subiriamos a una roca a mas de 700metros de altura para disfrutar de las playas de la arrabida🧭💚🚩

When we were on our way to the mountain, I first arrived at the service station to put diesel in my car and that's when I bought a couple of beers! obviously the idea was to share not get drunk xD! I am also very responsible at the wheel xD! I remember that after buying the "Sagres" we didn't have glasses xD so we asked the lady to give us a couple of small glasses of coffee! xD and my brother in the form of a "joke" said: people will think that we are drinking rum hahaha,😅🤣
Cuando ibamos camino a la montaña primero llegue a la estacion de servicio para colocar gasoleo a mi carro y alli fue que compre un par de cervezas! obviamente la idea era compartir no emborracharnos xD! ademas soy muy responsable al volante xD!!! recuerdo que luego de comprar las "Sagres" no teniamos vasos xD asi que le pedimos a la señora que nos regalara un par de vasos pequeños de cafe! xD y mi hermano en forma de "broma" decia: la gente pensara que estamos tomando ron hahaha😂🍺🍻

After having a super beer we made plans for the summer holidays! johan has an idea to buy a big raft that can carry 4 people and launch us along the atlantic coast with our wives and practice snorkeling he is very addicted to that activity! Also imagine photographing the marine life of these beautiful beaches of the Atlantic Ocean! I thought it was a good idea so probably in August they will see me posting on the raft xD😲😎
Luego de tomarnos una super cerveza hicimos planes para las vacaciones de verano! johan tiene una idea de comprar una gran balsa de esas que pueden llevar 4 personas y lanzarnos por la costa del atlantico con nuestras esposas y practicar snorkeling el es muy adicto a esa actividad! ademas imagina fotografiar la vida marina de estas hermosas playas del oceano atlantico! me parecio una buena idea asi que probablemente en agosto me vean subiendo post en la balsa xD⛵🧭🌅

North lookout🧭
After taking a photo here, I told Johan that I would take him to another very famous site in the mountains, which is a very interesting abandoned military fort because it has a beautiful view of the Troy Peninsula! another very famous site in the south of Portugal🌍🚙🚙
Luego de tomarnos una foto aqui le dije a johan que lo llevaria a otro sitio muy famoso de la sierra que es un fuerte militar abandonado muy interesante porque tiene una linda vista hacia la peninsula de troya! otro sitio muy famoso de la zona sur de Portugal🧭💚🚩
"Troia peninsula" view🧭🌍🚙🚩

This place is cute but scary at the same time! Since it is an abandoned military base from the 70s, there are a network of tunnels that connect the entire base with high-caliber cannons that defended the coast of Setubal! Johan had the idea of getting us into those tunnels and exploring them xD I told him to record to see if we saw any ghosts xD😅😅
Este sitio es lindo pero tenebroso al mismo tiempo! como es una base militar abandonada de los años 70 hay una redes de tuneles que comunican toda la base con unos cañones de alto calibre que defendian la costa de setubal! Johan tuvo la idea de meternos en esos tuneles y explorarlos xD le dije que grabara a ver si veiamos algun fantasma xD😅🤣😂

Obviously I didn't accept his invitation to "hunt" ghosts xD but we had another super beer here in front of this beautiful view of the Atlantic and the peninsula! We also talked a bit about his next vacation, which is in two months, and he wants to do something romantic with his wife! and well that more romantic than PARIS! I hope you can make your plans come true!😁😁
Obviamente no acepte su invitacion a "cazar" fantasmas xD pero nos tomamos otra super cerveza aqui en frente de esta hermosa vista del atlantico y de la peninsula! tambien conversamos un poco sobre sus proximas vacaciones que son dentro de dos meses y quiere hacer algo romantico con su esposa! y bueno que mas romantico que PARIS!!! espero que pueda concretizar sus planes!🚩🛫🛫
"well.../ Buehh🧭🌍🚙🚩

Let's say that there is a lot of mystery and just look at the graffiti xD, there are those who come at night to look for spirits in this abandoned fort! I remember once a famous group of portuguese ghost hunters who are in TIKTOK and they showed a chapter inside these facilities.... And they were able to capture some voices🤔😥😥
Digamos que hay mucho misterio y basta con ver los Grafiti xD, hay quienes vienen en la noche a buscar espiritus en este fuerte abandonado! recuerdo una vez un famoso grupo de caza fantasmas portugueses que estan en TIKTOK y mostraron un capitulo dentro de estas instalaciones.... Y pudieron captar algunas voces😨🤯

With these photos I say goodbye and as you can see it is very beautiful to see the sunset here in the mountains when the sun hides on the horizon it seems that nature has come to life and we can see many wild animals from wild boars to, if we are lucky, a deer! It was a very good weekend and, as always, even better when shared with the family!🤗🤗
Con estas fotos me despido y como puedes ver es muy bonito ver el ocaso aqui en la montaña cuando el sol se esconde en el horizonte parece que la naturaleza cobrara vida y podemos ver muchos animales salvajes por alli desde jabalis hasta si tenemos suerte un venado! fue un fin de semana muy bueno y como siempre mejor aun cuando se comparte entre familia!😃😃

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