Views of Our Marsh

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Or, I should say, a reason to be most thankful on this day of thanks. My brother and I grew up in this area, and as children, ran around our backyard whenever we could...that background being the local marsh.

Today, I get to share the same experience with my family. For that, I'm most fortunate.


This marsh is located directly within a city of about 60,000 people. It's a great place to go to and accessible within minutes from most people's homes. And why not go? There is always much to see.

Cardinals are still about...

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A deserted bald eagle nest in the distance...always curious if it will be filled with a young family next year.


There is already plenty of ice about after the recent cold spell...





So with that in mind, I have to admit I'm thankful that such a resource is so close to me and my family. With my brother and his family moving back soon, I can't wait for our family to grow larger and appreciate this area with our children. Exciting times!


Thanks for checking out my post!


We appreciate your work and your publication has been hand selected by the geography curation team on behalf of the Amazing Nature Community. Keep up the good work!

Wonderful, thank you so much! It's a beautiful place to share...hopefully more to come soon!