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RE: Yo tejiendo amor para el mundo / I weaving love for the world - OCD Community Boost Contest #7: Highlighting NeedleWorkMonday

in NeedleWorkMonday3 years ago

Wow! It’s like your work just keeps getting better and better each time I see it! I love how lifelike she is with the length of her arms and legs. I really love the matching outfits you did, her skirt is just too darn cute!! Oh my goodness and that cute little knitted Purple Heart! 🤩

Thanks so much for pushing to get your entry in which reflects even more how much love you have for this community ~ 💜


Thank you very much, your words motivate me a lot, I am impressed by the quality of the publications that have participated in the contest, I do not have enough time to comment them all, this excites me a lot, to see so many embroideries, sewing, a world full of talented people in the community, I hope many of them stay actively sharing each week. Best regards!