My projects to date

in NeedleWorkMonday10 months ago

Good Monday to all our creative community!!! I hope this week has been productive for you and that you are doing well!
So I finally took on my sewing projects! (fanfare sounds here). 😁😁😁🙈They were in my bag for a very long time, since I kept delaying the time to take them. I decided to first prepare them all for sewing on a sewing machine. At the moment, it is not at hand and I need to bring and install it first and only then sew on it. So how many sewing projects do I have at the same time? 🙈

I hope you are not shocked by this photo!!! 🙄 I myself am shocked when I see it all together. 😵 And now take turns!
Well, first of all, the simplest thing is a white T-shirt.

This natural fabric t-shirt is a bit wide for me. Here you just need to remove the excess fabric in width.

I already did this. It remains only to sew on a sewing machine.
Then these are my old summer cotton blouses. I want to remake them into tops for house instead of throwing them away.

Here I want to remove the sleeves and the length. First I cut it off. (well, that's easy!) 😁

Next, I hem the fabric using a thread and a needle with my hands along the edges of the sleeves and the bottom to prepare for work on the sewing machine.

It's easy too. The next project is also a t-shirt.

This also is made of natural fabric and I really like the embroidery. My task is also to make a home top. I cut off the excess.

Here the difficulty is that the front part is larger than the back: it sticks out ugly instead of fitting to the chest. and I'll probably have to cut that off at shoulder height to even out the two pieces. It will not work to make a recess on the chest, as the embroidery is quite dense. I'm still thinking about it. 🤔🙄
And the last most difficult project for me is a tunic.

This is an amazing natural thin fabric. Therefore, I want to sew a tunic for the beach out of this. First, I removed part of the sleeves, the collar and the fabric where the buttons were on the front.

The difficulty is that it is very large for me in size.

I have an idea: to remove excess fabric on the sides and in the sleeves.

I don't know yet what I can do. Since a beach tunic should not be tight but airy and comfortable, I don't worry too much about this. But still I want to make it beautiful. Ok, let's see what I get in the end! 🙈😄
Do you like to have several projects at work at the same time?
(all photos are taken by me)

Take care of yourself and be healthy!!!


You do have some beautiful sets of outfits and will surely have all of them to rock the town with once you are done.

I really hope that I can do something 😁 thank you my dear!

Oh I keep putting things away and then takes me the whole day to go though it.
I like the colours on the second one :)

i have something similar 😁

А я вот совсем не могу заставить себя что-то переделывать. Мне проще купить новую вещь, а старую отдать знакомым или подружкам-рукодельницам, которые из неё сошьют вещи для внуков или своих детей...

это смотря какая вещь 😃 если материал натуральный и очень качественный, то мне жаль его отдавать. тем более что в Израиле все натуральное стоит бешеных денег и днем с огнем не найти. а у вас легко найти качественную одежду? 😃

Когда есть достаточно средств, то можно найти конечно.
Но ты права это и стоит сейчас недёшево.
Но после переделок, судя по моей практике, получается только если для дома носить. Всё же бывает видно что вещь не новая. В офис или на работу в такой вряд ли пойдешь?

конечно! я и переделываю свои для дома. уже экономия: не покупать новое. а для официальных выходов безусловно нужны или новые вещи или умение их шить из новых тканей 😃

Wow there are many sewing projects, I hope you can finish them soon, sometimes we take longer fixing some clothes than making new ones 😊, I hope you have a happy sewing Monday

Yes, I agree. sometimes rework takes longer to sew from scratch 😃

 10 months ago  

I think we should do another WIP challenge to encourage us to finish all the unfinished projects without them piling up haha. I wish you success with these, surely they will be great in the end 😃.

That's for sure! another similar competition will not hurt us. 😁 many thanks my dear! 😃

Lovely sewing projects!

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many thanks my dear! 😃

Greetings @tali72, you have many projects to finish, I hope you can soon make the adjustments and have the blouses ready.

I really hope that I can do it. thank you dear! 😃

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

many many thanks!

Yay! 🤗
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