Hive Bratislava Meetup Brainstorming

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For quite some time now I've been thinking about creating an event where we can meet friends inside and outside Hive with the intention to have a good time, learn, meet new people and promote new projects.

The idea came to me at HiveFest when @manncpt was doing his presentation about #hivemeetupvienna and I was saying to myself that I can also organize a meetUP in Bratislava. It's been a long time since then, and I've been waiting for the perfect moment to do it. The problem is that moment doesn't seem to come and I have decided to take a step forward and organize it even if it's not the perfect moment because I have many things to do, but a voice inside me tells me "Do it now that the good weather is coming and if it goes wrong, you will improve it in the next events".

This is the brainstorming I am creating so far. I look forward to your support in this initiative and any advice is welcome.

Take this opportunity to thank @tibfox for being willing to help me in creating the next Hive Bratislava Meetup.

#HiveBratislavaMeetup #MEETUPBA

Hace ya bastante tiempo que estoy dándole vueltas a crear un evento en donde nos podamos juntar amigos dentro y fuera de Hive con la intención de pasar un buen rato, aprender, conocer nuevas personas y promocionar nuevos proyectos.

La idea me llegó en el HiveFest cuando @manncpt estaba haciendo su presentación sobre #hivemeetupvienna y yo me decía que yo también puedo organizar un meetUP en Bratislava. Ha pasado mucho tiempo de desde entonces, y me he quedado esperando el momento perfecto para hacerlo. El problema es que ese momento parece no llegar y he decido dar un paso a delente y organizarlo aunque no sea el momento perfecto porque tengo muchas cosas que hacer, pero una voz dentro de mí me dice “hazlo ahora que llega el buen clima y si te sale mal, lo vas a ir mejorando en los próximos eventos”

Estas son las lluvias de ideas que estoy creando hasta ahora. Espero tu apoyo en esta iniciativa y cualquier consejo es bienvenido.

Aprovechar para darle las gracias a @tibfox por estar dispuesto ayudarme en la creación de los prósimos Hive Bratislava Meetup.

#HiveBratislavaMeetup #MEETUPBA

Už dlhšie som premýšľal o vytvorení podujatia, na ktorom by sme sa mohli stretnúť s priateľmi v Hive aj mimo neho s cieľom dobre sa zabaviť, naučiť sa, spoznať nových ľudí a podporiť nové projekty.

Táto myšlienka ma napadla na HiveFest, keď @manncpt robil prezentáciu o #hivemeetupvienna a ja som si hovoril, že môžem zorganizovať meetUP aj v Bratislave. Odvtedy ubehol dlhý čas a ja som čakal na ideálnu chvíľu, kedy sa mi to podarí. Problém je v tom, že tá chvíľa akoby neprichádzala, a tak som sa rozhodol urobiť krok vpred a zorganizovať to, aj keď to nie je ideálna chvíľa, pretože mám veľa práce, ale vnútorný hlas mi hovorí: "Urob to teraz, keď je dobré počasie, a keď sa to nepodarí, tak to zlepšíš na ďalších akciách."

Toto je brainstorming, ktorý zatiaľ vytváram. Teším sa na vašu podporu v tejto iniciatíve a každá rada je vítaná.

Pri tejto príležitosti ďakujem @tibfox za ochotu pomôcť mi pri tvorbe ďalšieho Hive Bratislava Meetupu.

#HiveBratislavaMeetup #MEETUPBA

▶️ 3Speak


Hey @awildovasquez! Thank you so much for creating this video and sharing your thoughts and ideas with us! Really great how you are planning and visualizing the meetup goals, steps and ideas. Great stuff dude!

We are looking forward to see your meetup in Bratislava becoming reality and we are going to support you wherever we can of course :) We have found a lot of people from Vienna which is not even 100km away from you. Also there are a few from Brno in the Czech Republic (130km away).

We have discovered that with a new discord tool (more details on the "HiveUP toolbelt" will follow soon).

Hey you all? Are you interested in joining the 1st ever meetup in Bratislava?

And maybe you can also share it with people who do not have set the location in their bio on Hive. That would help @awildovasquez a lot :)
@nadinee @adriantonin @cryptobrunch @digitalmike @digital-wisdom @fotografmitehre @generationeuropa @ionart @neonbitdelta @opt2o @reinerzufall89 @sandra-on-tour @schmidi @sofibofi @thermoplastic @vikisecrets @winalab @zeroooc
Image from google maps
@hairyfairy @jerry63 @markbasscz @ojirik
Image from google maps

@hiveup-europe thank you so much for the support!

I was thinking to make a small Bratislava tour if anyone is interested like a warm-out walk around the old town for those who never visit Bratislava. It's just an idea but I'm free for that as well. 😃

I'm going to a restaurant today to ask the owner about the possibility to organize the event there and go from there.

I will keep you guys about it or simply follow me and you can read or watch my vlogs. ✌️

I like your idea and if you will do these during the summer, maybe I could come! I will have my vacation much closer than I am at the moment... 😃

Meetups are great for making stronger bonds, motivating each other, learning new stuff, and of course, having fun!

Will try to follow your initiative and help if I can! Good luck!

@ph1102 I'm planning to make the first one on the 1st Saturday of Jun.

We will have a lot of fun if you can make it! 😉

Yeah, I heard that you said that in the video, but I can't make that one as I plan to go to Berlin (I hope!)... So. maybe some other in the future...