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RE: Stuffed Cabbage Bowls - How to Make It

in Build-It3 years ago

Well that’s a delicious looking meal right there! Are those your pictures you took or did you get them off the internet with the recipe? Just saying you should include the picture sources, some people here get very defensive about no sources. Don’t want you to fall victim to that!

The recipe here sounds short and easy for sure. I wasn’t aware of the reasoning behind soaking the rice that’s great. I would soak it to get rid of the starches but didn’t know about damage to our teeth! Thanks for that tip!

Best of luck for the contest!


Thank you cmplxty! All photos are mine. Soaking rice helps to remove some of the phytic acid. And by continuing to use the leftover water/whey, it helps to remove more phytic acid each time. As for the arsenic, it’s best to include food which neutralizes the effects in the same meal as the rice. For example, in this recipe the cabbage and onion neutralize the arsenic. But always remember to rinse the rice thoroughly after the soak.

Oh great you take some wonderful pictures then lol.

Good points with doing things to neutralize the different tough ingredients in foods as important as rice. I’ll keep that in mind to try and add pairings but thankfully I already at least soak and drain the rice.