I draw arts for nurse's day on May 12. There will be 23 postcards in 18x12 cm format.

in Nerday3 years ago

I draw arts for nurse's day on May 12. There will be 23 postcards in 18x12 cm format.

A large series of postcards.

I've been sitting for the devil with them already 😹

I don't have time for anything. orders until the 15th are almost minutely scheduled 😢

But I'm glad to have orders. That would be even more time.

Then I will photograph all the arts separately and show you.

Рисую арты на день медсестры 12 мая. Будет 23 открыточки формат 18х12 см.

Большая серия открыток.

Сижу уже черти сколько с ними 😹

Ничего не успеваю. заказы до 15 го числа чуть ли не поминутно расписаны 😢

Но я рада заказам. Вот бы еще больше времени.

Потом пофографирую все арты отдельно и покажу вам.


Wow, All the artwork is very wonderful. Looks like it took a long time to do these

Wonderful postcards as a future nurse how I can not love them?

Woww.. amazing artworks:)