The Pain of Damaging My Gadgets During Repairs

in Hive Diylast month


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The Importance of handyman in our house is very important. They are ever ready to offer their efforts, time and resources skillfully to repair any damaged items in our homes. It is a special gift that only few persons possessed and ready to utilize for the smooth running of our homes and saving of costs. It pays handsomely to be a handyman and skillful person.

Many people have learned many skills and talented to discharges their roles which helps to keep things in order and function properly. Being technical and skillful is needed as many gadgets used at our homes and offices needed cares to function optimally. During my school years, I will go to phone workshop to be trained on how to repair phones and other electronics to function properly. But some of those repairs get wrong. Let's me share some of them with us.

As a teenager, we had one stereo radio in our house. It is the valuable gadget on our home. We are poor and does not have the privilege of having many electronics that makes life comfortable and happy. Our radio is the only gadgets on our home that we listen to news and get meaningful information. How well, my mother cherish it when it plays good music tunes for our pleasure.

One day, it's cassette get stuck inside the radio set. Every effort to remove the cassette safely but abortive. We don't have money for better technician at that spot so our cherished gadget get packed up. After many days of not listening to good music and news, our home becomes boring and unpleasant. My instinct motivated me to handle the problem. Remember that I don't have any kind of technical skills and knowledge of such gadget and I was very young. I took crude tools like knife and spoon, virtually anything that's sharp at our house to dissect the radio set. Within few minutes, it was fully dissected and my younger ones applauded me as if I knew what I was doing. The cassette was finally freed and successfully secured.

However, the problem arises when I wanted to set it up again. I tried everything possible but can't get it fixed properly. Either I forget some parts outside or other parts are bend outside. After many hours, I can't get it fixed and our radio is gone. When my mother came back, my junior ones told her everything that happened. I received the greatest punishment of my life that night.

Another instance was when I was damaged my phone as I tried to change it's casing. As I was working as a teacher, I have ample time whenever I came back home. After handling some chores and getting ready for the next day, I will visit my friend, phone technician that known for this expertises. Being at his shop daily deceived me of thinking that I can handle phone repairs.

One day, my phone get crashed. It's casing was not pleasant to behold so I swing into action. I went to the shopping mall and get new casings. Rather than paying the technicians or seeking the help of my friend for the renewal of my phone casings. I decided to do it myself and get crude tools available. Dissection of the phone was not difficult as one of our proverb said that it's easier to spoil items than repairs. After dissection, I can't get it fixed again. All my efforts to do it was not successful. Next day, I took it to my friend and he told me that I should forget about my phone that it have been spoiled beyond repairs.


Ability to do it ourselves is very good but it should handle by creative and skillful individuals whose works can be successful so that our gadgets and items will be operation and in good condition.

Although I have repaired many of gadgets and get them in good condition, but these two instances above show when it went wrongly. I will continue to learn more skills and talented to handle my repairs perfectly and carefully.

This is my very first post on this wonderful community on Hive ecosystem after being subscribed for months ago. This article is being inspired by the great work of the beloved team, @leogrowth for this month prompt under this tag #mayinleo to assist content creator on the ecosystem

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


There is a saying that by spoiling you learn. Failure is the road to success, the important thing is to start and not give up until you achieve success 🙏💪

Failure are result of hardworks and dedication. Success are gotten from such hardworks and dedication. Thanks for response

There's a saying that it's easier to destroy than to build.
My junior brother was just like you, he loves to repair every spoilt gadgets but always ended up causing more damage to it, or it'll work for some days then stop working forever.

So sorry about your phone, that was a great lesson.
Thanks for sharing ❤️

Yeah. Your brother will learn and be better as I did. Thanks for the response

 last month  

I traveled to the 80's with your publication, I feel identified, it happened to me the same way, however when I released the cassette, the tape broke in several sections and although I knew a truqiuto to attach it again, I lost much of the songs, I ended up throwing away one of my favorite cassettes.

It's very painful to witness such problem. Trying to fix an items but get them damaged. We are now better and more skillful.

Thanks for the response