Coffee and Philosophy Ep. 104 (Plus my public stance in regards to the HIVE blockchain)

in Philosophy4 years ago


I got a bit behind with doing the show uploads with all of the chain drama, impending economic collapse and trying to prepare for martial law which I feel is definitely coming to my area soon. That being said, I want to make it clear that going forward I will only be posting the show and updates onto the HIVE blockchain. STEEM is essentially dead as far as I'm concerned and while I'm considering just posting some memes mocking the situation on that chain, I'm also considering just letting it go entirely because I feel using the STEEM blockchain is validating it's existence and keeping it alive. We'll see which argument wins out in my mind, but regardless all actual content and show info/recordings will be on HIVE, which I plan to make my new home. #HiveIsAlive Much love.


Welcome to Hive! Glad to see you are now posting over here. Have a wonderful week.

Feel pretty much the same on Steem. I left my SP voting witnesses, but I can't sell it anyway, since I don't have a bank account. You know it's funny. I thought cryptocurrency was going to enable me to avoid banks. Here I find it's utterly dependent on banks.

That don't work for me. Imma go back to barter soon, because cash is a viral vector.

Also, don't forget to remain uninfected by the SARS2 Kung Flu. Staying free during martial law won't do much good if you're sucking air through a pink froth of used lung.

Love to see you here too:) pretty much all my favourite Steemians are now..Hivians?:D

Good quote. Indeed, any transcendental experience is likely to diminish the fear of death. Been there, done it, a fascinating glimpse into the core.

Hah! wasn't a quote, but a lucky snapshot of the video :-)