Zingu has lost! 😱
And it's no surprise to anyone, but that's how battles go. Hello community! I bring you new art because I know you love it, and after having painted a few Holos being captured, it was about time to paint them fighting each other.
I'll be honest, I wanted to paint Wrackdoom Holomax, that was all, but it's tail is very strong, capable of knocking down anything, so I thought of making it split a tree in half, but that seemed a bit boring, and I ended up having poor Zingu take a direct hit from Wrackdoom's tail. It's a scene where I feel sorry to see little Zingu spinning through the air, but that's how Holozing battles will be so it's better to get used to the idea.

-Step 1:
In the first sketch, you can see the tree that Wrackdoom would knock down, but look at the difference in dynamism with Zingu spinning in the air. Even knockout Zingu looks cute and Wrackdoom very imposing, and that's without the radiant colors yet.
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-Step 2:
But even before giving a drop of color to the characters, I wanted to establish the ambient color since it would directly influence the lighting of the characters. So I immediately got to work on a background of a nice day with a blue sky.
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-Step 3:
In the last illustrations I've done, I've been using grayscale to give depth to the characters, but this time I went back to directly applying the color palette on the character. However, I separated each of Wrackdoom's elements into different layers. This was done so that I could have a clear difference between each element and thus paint them more easily. And this time I used a lot of clipping layers because I achieved the radiant effect using different blending modes. If you open the PSD of the artwork you'll find that just Wrackdoom's eyebrows have 'overlay', 'soft light', 'hard light', 'lighter color', and 'multiply' modes.

-Step 4:
Wrackdoom has a kind of orange flower button at the tip of it's tail, but as I didn't know how to make the leaves join up to form the tip of the tail, I simulated it using shading that defined the shape of this unopened flower (I was going to say it looked like a lettuce when it comes in a ball, but it doesn't look much like it, so basically I have no idea what vegetable is at the tip of it's tail)😂

-Step 5:
And now, let's put poor Zingu spinning through the air. Luckily from the sketch, I had perfectly clear what effect I wanted to achieve. So I painted Zingu's face normally, but gave it's body the motion effect. Not with motion blur tool—no, this time I did it by painting his belly with many semi-circular lines and with it's characteristic ice from it's wings placed in different positions around it's body to give that sense of movement to human eyes. In short, I've applied effects used in animation, so technically I've painted what would be a frame from a scene where Zingu despite being a support Holo has just received the hit of his life.

I will leave you a GIF with the whole process on it, so you can better appreciate the illustration process.

See you in a future post!
Thank You for Supporting My Artwork
Haha, Wrackdoom has quite an advantage on him I guess :D
Yes, it is almost an abuse to put him to fight against Zingu, but against Zinguini would be another story ❄️
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speedtuning tipped hadley4
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