How your brain connect with your hands why playing video games/my drawing of Healing Gloves

in Holozing Community4 months ago

IMG_20240119_205429.jpg by @ijelady

What a beautiful day that students, teachers all government workers wait to come to come, Friday. Lol. If you check record on high blood pressure, it is high on Monday than on Friday.😆 Before I go on let me welcome all of you to this lovely and fruitful weekend.

How your brain connect with your hands when you are playing video games.

Do you know that playing games help you to widen your brain horizon? Even though there is a distal from brain to the hand, they work hand in hand. In a computer, there is what we call Node that is the connection just like network. What makes game more enjoyable is this chemical called Dopamine which releases while you play game. This make you feel good and focus in your game. When you are not playing, it releases less of it so if you have been denying yourself or your children do not as long as it moderate.

Brain-hand connection

In the brain, there is a part calledfrontal lobe This part located in the front head and it is responsible for voluntary movement, decision making and all your plans. So it is a connection point for all that happens in the brain. Let me give you an example. When you are playing video game, you must use your visual and spatial which is your ability to understand and perceive things.

This is what help you to control all the game characters on your screen. Now your hand and eye connection will send message to the Brain to help you know what to do next. All game players understand this point very well that it orequires a lot of brain power. At this point, the frontal lobe is at work and the benefits is that you are enhancing your brain creating more space of learning new things. What a wonderful benefits video game is to the brain.

How game benefits your brain

It is said that practice make perfect. How will that happen if you do not practice and that requires putting your brain into work. A neuroplasticity,Dr. Merzenich's said training your brain helps your brain to function well. Ask game players ,you will see that they faster in school for those who are students. In our field, we use game playing to help a stroke patient to recover fast because it helps him or her to train the brain. Let HoloZing game bring joy to your heart, make you feel good and focus as you start playing soon let's go to my drawing.

Healing Gloves drawing.


As usual, my pencil, crayons, colored pencils, A4 paper and my black pen. The drawing have started.

The right hand
The left hand.

This beautiful fan as my last Son called it took me hours to get even when I was doing the painting. I must commend @holozing for this beautiful healing gloves. It is really a healing one because it has features that spell infection and inflammation.

The painting

When I started this painting, I couldn't get the right base and I felt frustrated some how. I hold my crayon and think criticaly the two colors that can go together and give what I want. It seems impossible.

Finally, I used sky blue and green and it gave me a beautiful mix, for the fingers, I used ash color for the base before I added orange color that gave the right hand the last color. And for the left, only ash for the fingers, green and dark green.


Hope you love the last look of my drawing. Thank you all and see you again tomorrow.


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10k upvotes sa major milestone. Awesome work @ijelady 👍