The HoloZing Four Creatures Swing Into Action [hand drawing and painting]

in Holozing Community5 months ago


On August 18th, 2018, there was a fire out break in a big compound close to our own. Our compound was 97 Oron road then and this compound is 98 Oron road. It is a two story building. Both up and down was used to sell generators, fridges and different electronics parts.

That faithful afternoon, I recieved a call from my neighbor that I should come and park my things that everyone is parking because there was a fire and no one can control it. I rushed back to the house confused not knowing what to park.

While we were running around on a confused state of mind, our landlord came in and said, No body should worry, I have called the owner of the house, He has called water service, they will soon swing into action that message gave us hope and within few minutes, they came and before you know it, they quenched the fire. It was a emergency situation and they swing into action.

On Hive Blockchain, there is this new game that so many hivers are aware of it. It is #holozinggame, this game is already threading even though it has not been launched. The healers and the creatures are ready. The launching is around the corner. Very soon the game will swing into action. It has four creatures. Looking at this four creatures, I was moved to draw all as it out my mind in the game. See the creatures below 👇.

Fire Wolf


Grass Raccoon


Electric Rabbit


Water Whale

These are the creatures of the game. After drawing all,I removed the background of the drawing paper into a PNG of the pencil drawing using Remove BG app.I then created a plain white background landscape and then place the PNG image at the middle using pixellab app. So now let me take you to my drawings and painting work.

Let's start with the Fire Wolf

I started from the head to the neck and tail.


That's the beautiful picture of Fire Wolf. See the painting.

Honestly, I want it be just like the real one, challenge I had was getting the color of pen or crayons that will will give me exactly what I want. Nevertheless, you will like the the last painting.
That's the final stage.

Grass raccoon


Let's see how it started.


Step 2 was to get head done

After getting the head, I added the body, it wasn't an easy task.

Now the painting.

The head
The body

Kpakam, the painting is completed.

Electric Rabbit


I finished drawing before I remember to take picture of it. I was carried away by the drawing so as I started the painting, I took the picture you are seeing now.

Grass raccoon and Electric Rabbit have swung into action.

Water Whale


The water whale was the creature I drew without much stress, it was simple and enjoying. See how it swung into action with fire Wolf.


This is how, I came to an end of this drawing. See me while drawing and some action.

Brain at work
Flexing with my drawings

I used pencil, pen, crayons, irezer, shapner, white paper, in this drawing.

In addition to this drawing, I want to update my progress so far in staking #ZING. Yesterday I made some purchase that moved my staking from 265 to what you will see below

Next target is 3k

I also increased my delegation to 230hp. Next target is 500hp.

In conclusion, let's keep engaging and posting, creating beautiful post as we do. The launching of the game is going to be boom.



Why was the painter sprinting down the street?
Because his paint was running.

Credit: reddit
@ijelady, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of

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What a beautiful brain work. Weldon Mam. It's really gonna be Boom once launched. Increasing your delegations to 500hp is really good

Thank you

Brain at work artist. All the creatures with your drawings are in action following the Holozing game.

Thank you