The Last Day of School: A Guitar, A Song, A Memory And Rising Star Game Progress


Teachers play a crucial role in our lives as students. I have a vivid memory of my teachers from when I was a student. That particular year, I had just started playing the guitar. It was the last day of school before summer break. To my surprise, the teacher brought a guitar into the class and asked if anyone played. I shyly mentioned that I could play a little. The teacher then called me to the front of the classroom and asked me to play a song. Nervously, I played a piece I had been practicing, and to my delight, my classmates clapped and cheered me on.

Image Sources

Today, I'm sharing a song that I composed in memory of such students and teachers. The song is titled "Teacher," originally sung by Lwan Moe. Joseph's cover of this song is exceptional.

Teacher - Lwan Moe (Cover by Joseph)

I was in the class when I was young
Sing a song while folding the chair
The teacher heard this
And called me to the front of the class.
Embarrassed in front of everyone, struck my hand with the flat of a ruler
Punished to remember
I was in the class when I was young
If I write a song
The teacher said to stand on the floor
The tears I cried on the bench
Now the tears become a song
To be able to listen to the teacher
I am singing on the current stage
At the front of the bench
The sitting teacher
I don't think the teacher remembers that
With Soe Soe as a life
The one who was hit by the teacher
The singer plays the guitar
Lwan Moe is me


Game Progress Update

Greetings, fellow gamers! @myanmarkoko here with the latest updates from the captivating realm of Rising Star. Currently at level 134 with 4803 XP points, I find myself immersed in the dynamic in-game universe while reminiscing about the nostalgic charm of my hometown.


A Glimpse into My Profile:

  • Main Profile: 25 Dalilah
  • Members: R407 Malai, The Ego, 13 Busker, 87 Donna, and 150 Wolfie

Today, I had the pleasure of buying and received 9 instrument cards. You can see into below photo what type cards I bought.. Now I have R419 Burmese Shan 560 cards.



My ranking is increasing to 544 to 535. I need to do missions more and more to increase my ranking.
Browse the images below, showcasing completed missions and my current rank in the Rising Star Game.



I am just focus on Pro Missions currently.
I have 4 members in my Pro Band.

-Jaxx: NFT ID 6692815 Level 10
-Jack: NFT ID 6747011 Level 10
-Juniper: NFT ID 14987864 Level 10
-Marcia: NFT ID 7836009 Level 10
-Scott: NFT ID 8951319, Level 7

You can listen my pro band music here

Stay tuned for the upcoming chapters in my Rising Star adventure as I strive for more XP points and aim for level 150. To my fellow gamers, let's keep the rhythm alive!

Game Images from the Rising Star Game>>>
