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RE: Enfrentando el sufrimiento ** Confronting suffering (Esp - Eng)

in Holos&Lotus6 months ago

There are no words that can truly provide a sense of comfort when dealing with the loss of a parent who is close to you and given you the life that you've lived so far. This is, indeed, a form of suffering that most people experience during their lifetimes, and it's a pain that never fully goes away, although may come in smaller waves over time. It's clear that you've gotten a wonderful appreciation of your father's life, and a perspective of appreciation of life from someone else that you knew, so you definitely have some ammunition to tackle the difficult days that lie ahead.

I do wish you a great deal of strength in this time. Don't be afraid to lean on others for help. We'll be here for you whenever you need someone to lend an ear. ❤️


Hello @freecompliments, that's right, the pain for the loss of a parent is a form of suffering with which we learn to live, no matter how many years pass you can not overcome such a great loss, the pain is there and when we least expect it appears, a scent, a color, a phrase reminds us of the loved one and as you mention the suffering manifests itself in small or large waves, Christmas is one of those times that brings greater memories of my father; thank you for your visit and beautiful words.

Have a great day!