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RE: ¡Que no te afecten las opiniones de los otros! -Alfabetizando sobre la Red- Resultados de la Iniciativa de 7mo. Día (ES/EN)

in Holos&Lotus2 months ago

This blog post is a powerful reminder of the importance of resilience and self-awareness when facing criticism in today's world of social media. Understanding that criticism is an inevitable part of life and learning how to manage it with grace and wisdom is truly empowering. The strategies provided offer valuable insights on how to navigate and process feedback in a healthy and productive manner. Remember, you have the freedom to choose how you respond and what feedback to internalize. Your security and emotional well-being should always remain a top priority. Embracing digital literacy and enhancing emotional intelligence can help you thrive in the online world while protecting your mental and emotional health. Keep shining and growing!