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RE: The Horrors of Kwiksave: Tracy, The Wild One

in Writing Club2 years ago

Sadly working at the Radio Shack I did, there were very few female employees. They tended to gravitate towards the mall stores. My store was in a strip mall and didn't get the traffic like the other ones. We did have one "looker" and she was pretty fun to work with. Eventually she ended up transferring to the mall...


Radio Shack is far too mannish to attract the hot babes, but then again.., we didn't do much better. Maybe its because Kwiksave was a cheap-arse store aimed at pensioners.

Yeah, that is probably likely. This girl was probably one of the cutest I have known in my life. I remember her quite well. Never had a fraction of a chance with her, but she was fun to work with.