BDVoter Daily Hive Showcase: #482

in Splinterlands2 months ago
Countdown terminated on Apr 23, 2024, 4:00 PM


Welcome to BDVoter Daily Showcase.

For those who don’t know, BDVoter is a curation project on HIve Blockchain that was initiated primarily aiming to encourage BD Hive users who were overlooked even after contributing to the chain with their excellent writing and meaningful engagement. However, the project has branched out to other communities and now manually curates worthy content on Hive including but not limited to creative writing, gaming content, travel blogs, sports talks, movie thoughts, and so on.

Besides, in an attempt to support a healthy ecosystem, BDVoter keeps an eye on @Splinterlands content and supports weekly challenges (Art Challenge, Social Media Challenge & Battle Mage Secrets). As the project strongly stands against plagiarists and spammers, content creators are encouraged to produce high-quality, meaningful, and original content that adds value to the blockchain. In short, we believe in creativity, so, show us the best of you!

We encourage everyone to visit the blogs that we carefully select and would thank you for your support and encouragement for these authors. If you love what they do, engage, follow, or maybe say Hello! Last but not least, shower some love on their content; it would be highly appreciated.



This is a new initiative by the BDVoter team where we hope to increase cross-platform engagement between the Hive Blockchain, InLeo,X (Twitter) & Reddit. We share our Daily Showcase on X and randomly select one lucky user for our daily giveaway of 1 Chaos Legion booster pack. To participate in the giveaway, you just have to follow a few easy steps, as mentioned below.




Congratulations 🏆: @tub3r0 for winning 1 Chaos Legion Pack.




BDVoter X Contest

1. Follow BDVoter Twitter Profile. If you already followed, then you can click on continue & you will get 1 entry point.
2. View our latest Daily Showcase tweet & you will get 1 entry point.
3. Retweet our latest Daily showcase tweet & you will get 1 entry point.
4. Comment your Splinterlands Username & you will get 1 entry point.
5. View our latest Daily Showcase Post on Reddit & you will get 1 entry point.

That's it !! You can get a maximum of 5 entry points to participate in our giveaway. The giveaway winner will be announced in our next Daily Showcase post. So, the earlier you participate, the better your chance of winning 1 Chaos Legion booster pack.

Baron's Bounty: Bitcoin Halving Event Was Live

The post discusses the Baron's Bounty Bitcoin Halving Promo Event organized by Splinterlands to celebrate the Bitcoin Halving event. The event offers two limited-edition promo cards with unique abilities, such as Halving, True Strike, and Camouflage. The post details the stats and prices of the promo cards, as well as additional prizes available through lucky draws and leaderboard rankings. Participation in the event provides players with exclusive cards and supports Splinterlands in maintaining the game.


I saw Zyriel in the fog of war / eu vi Zyriel na neblina de guerra [eng/pt] (Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets)

This post discusses the Battle Mage Secrets weekly challenge on Splinterlands, focusing on the Fog of War ruleset that removes important abilities from units. The author recaps a strategic match played by xbot against @chinza2003, highlighting the use of ranged units and the presence of the rare Zyriel card. The match results in a victory for @chinza2003, who receives low rewards and is penalized for using the Albahoo card. The post concludes with a teaser for more upcoming Battle Mage Secrets content.


Fog of War: Weekly Battle Mage Secrets

This post discusses the Battle Mage secrets in the Fog of War ruleset. In this ruleset, units lose the Sneak, Snipe, and Opportunity abilities, but Scattershot still works. The author shares a battle from the SPS Dao Free Tournament, where they placed 66th, showcasing their strategy and team composition. They chose Possibilus the Wise as the summoner and strategically positioned their units to utilize reach abilities. The battle highlights the effectiveness of trample, magic attacks, and poison in overcoming opponents. The post also includes images and dividers credited to, kyo-gaming, and flauwy, as well as referrals to other games. Additionally, there is an invitation to join the Splinterlands community and Team PH for Filipino gamers.


Splinterlands | Vruz is probably the best Sneak card ever

The post discusses the recent uptrend in the crypto market, specifically focusing on the SPS token. The author also highlights the ongoing Splinterlands ranked season and encourages players to collect SPS and Glint points. The main topic of discussion is the promo card Vruz, which is considered one of the best sneak cards in the game. The post details Vruz's stats and abilities at different levels, showcasing its strategic importance in battles. The author shares a tournament battle where Vruz played a crucial role, demonstrating its effectiveness. The post invites readers to share their experiences with Vruz and wishes everyone luck in their Splinterlands matches.


Over 160k USD In Sales - Baron's Bounty

The post discusses the current status of the Baron's Bounty promo event in Splinterlands, highlighting that over 160k USD has been spent on the promotion. The author expresses concerns about the depreciation of Splinterlands assets and the impact of printing more cards on the market. They also mention a potential change of plans for participating in the event due to capital constraints and a desire to diversify into other projects. The author predicts price trends for the new promo cards and invites readers to share their thoughts on participating in the event.


Mi opinión sobre los beneficios que podría significar listar el SPS (Splintershards) en Binance [EN-ES]

This post \discusses the proposal to list the SPS token on Binance, highlighting the potential benefits of this action. Binance is mentioned to be the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world and would attract investors interested in the project. It is noted that listing on Binance would be an effective marketing effort and would increase liquidity for exchanging SPS. The benefits of attracting more players to Splinterlands and increasing activity in the ecosystem are discussed. It is concluded that the current moment of bullish trend is conducive to taking the risk of listing the SPS on Binance.

All images and quoted texts are the copyright of their respective authors. For better Post Preview Please use PEAKD frontend.

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Countdown terminated on Apr 23, 2024, 4:00 PM

hi @bdvoter.cur I did not receive the chaos pack


This post has been supported by @Splinterboost with a 12% upvote! Delagate HP to Splinterboost to Earn Daily HIVE rewards for supporting the @Splinterlands community!

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Down forba vote, haha cheers Gs. GoodWorkGuys

Thank you for the support and a free cl pack.