Bronze III Loot Chest Reward

in Splinterlands3 years ago


I thought cards no longer drop in the Bronze League (I'm exaggerating btw) but it seemed that I was wrong. After completing my daily quest: Water Splinter (originally Wood Splinter but changed it because I couldn't win using wood splinters) I received this card.

It's my very first card drop and it was even a rare card to boot. This card is currently worth $0.78 which is very cheap. Yes, yes, a rare card isn't so hot because others could get an epic or a legendary as their first drop but for a new player like me that has just started a few days ago, it was significant.

It's significant because it means that cards still drop in the Bronze League despite the rewards in said league was nerfed by the developers.

It also mean that I could expect to get monster cards here and there even if I got stuck in the Bronze League for a long time. Don't misunderstand me though, I don't plan on staying in the Bronze League forever. I plan on moving to the Silver League once I saved up enough DEC and get some good cards.

Once I saved enough DEC. I'll start renting cards to increase my power. But since I'm relatively new and is still learning, I'll take my time.

That's all for today. Thanks for dropping by.

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