Navigating Splinterlands: Advanced Strategies for Victory

in Splinterlands5 months ago

Nowadays, most people have become much smarter and understand everything on their own, but if you get proper guidance in the initial days, then the work becomes a little easier. These days, finding information has become so easy that you can't believe it. Everything is just a few fingers away or a few clicks of your mouse away. You just need to find the right place or reach the right place.

Although I have already made a post for new users, you can read more about it from here Unraveling the Splinterlands Mystery: A Beginner's Handbook
, you can call this post its second part. If you have read the first part then perhaps you might have understood some things easily and now you can call it its advanced level. I will try my best to explain everything very simply so that it is easy for you to understand. If you still do not understand, then please ask anything by commenting, I will try my best to help you.


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Save your keys:

This is the first and most important thing whenever you try the Splinterlands game for the first time, when you create your account, keep your keys in a very safe place and do not do it from anywhere online because this is the only key to your account. If it is lost, perhaps you will never be able to recover your account. Perhaps you will not understand its importance right now. Suppose you have invested a lot of money in yourself and if your money is lost to someone, then imagine how you will feel, right from your initial days. You have to be very careful about keeping your hive keys safe. Many people print it and keep it and this is also a good way because in such a situation it becomes a little difficult to misplace it. You can also save it on your local disk on your computer or maybe store it offline anywhere. But I would suggest that you should not do this from anywhere online because doing so can be very dangerous and especially do not do it in Google Drive.

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Learn the Basics of the game:

The first thing you have to do is to know all the important and smallest things about the game, this will help you a lot when you start playing the game. This is a very important step because if you ignore it then you may have to face a lot of difficulties later. Many people learn things while playing games and this is also a good way to play, but if you know about things in advance then it will probably be easier for you. You can read everything by going to the FAQ area of Splinterlands and it is explained in very simple words I think you will understand everything easily by going there. It is very important to learn basic things, once you know about all these things then things will become very easy for you.

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Cards type and abilities:

If you have understood the basics of the game, then you will need to know about the game cards, their abilities and what types of cards are used in the game. Currently, cards with six elements are available in this game And nine types of edition cards have come in this game so far, perhaps more editions will come in the future but the elements will remain the same. According to the level of the card, their power and their abilities also keep increasing and this is a basic thing, as your card gets upgraded, their abilities will also increase and for each level, the card has a limit more than that. Level cards are worthless there if you have to use those cards to move up in leagues. The more level cards you have, the more levels you can go up. According to the abilities of the cards, their positions are decided and accordingly, your winning ratio is also estimated.

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Deck building:

Once you understand the basics of the game, you will also need to know about its cards. As you play the game, you will learn a lot of new things and you will make a deck yourself. You can think of the deck as a group of cards. In each game, you can use a maximum of six monsters and one summoner. Depending on how you position your cards, whether you will win or lose the battle is decided. Many more factors matter, I have discussed them in my previous post, you can go there and read them in detail. How will you go about playing the game? As you understand things more and more, you will start inventing new decks on your own. You may have copied someone else's decks and played with their decks, but if you understand the game. If you come then you will probably enjoy it a lot.

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Play daily:

Even if you are not able to give much time, do give at least half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the evening and keep practising the game continuously because only when you practice, you will be able to learn things and perhaps you will be able to learn it now too. The more you play, the more you learn about it. Even if you don't win any battle, keep playing anyway because if you stop playing, you stop learning. Keep trying new elements and trying new types of cards. You don't need to use the cards as your opponents are doing. Try something else and see which cards you use. And what was the benefit or loss of doing so, you will come to know while playing. You will not be able to learn anything by watching other's games, you will only be able to copy them in a way, but if you understand the basics of things and I believe that if you develop your strategy, it will help you a lot.

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Share your battles:

If you are new and you don't know where to go to learn things then you can go to the community page of Splinterlands or also go to their Discord channel where you will find many people there, you can watch people's battles. You can watch what people share or go to the community of Splinterlands and see people's strategies and you will get to learn a lot from them. People share their strategies there. Many people also stream their games on YouTube for hours. Play that you can learn a lot from there also. You can also just share your battles, which you think was good, it is not necessary that you won in it, you can tell what you did and what you should avoid or what you could have done, there are many things. Whatever you can tell, you need to do it all the time in the pattern that you share because this does not happen with everyone, if it was like this then who would lose?

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Ask for help :

If you are new to the game then you should not hesitate to ask anything. Feel free to ask anyone. If you have joined the Splinterlands Discord, you will probably find even more people there who are willing to help you. Will be ready and there is no shortage of people there, just always keep in mind that do not share your secret keys with anyone. No matter how much you trust the person in the beginning, you should do this only if you know the person well because According to me, sharing your identity with someone would not be a good habit. If you ever need anything, ask people boldly and keep asking until you get clarity, someone or the other will surely give you understanding, either you will lose in the end or they will lose. If you want to learn then you should be dedicated to it as long as you know the thing and I am confident that you will learn in the end.

Thanks, I hope this post was worth reading.

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See you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

All the Images are Made Via Canva unless otherwise noted.
Translated via Google Translator, The content is original.

If you are not playing the Splinterlands and Golem Overlord games then feel free to join my referral 😁

My splinterlands referral
My Golem Overlord referral

Thanks a lot for staying till the end 😃🙏, Let me know what you think.

Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because someone has a dream of what you have. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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Thanks & Regards

-----Together we will make this a better place-----


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 189 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

!giphy thank you

soulbond card for my summoner choice and gladius is the monster card. For the Bronze League, that's enough for battle. I even won 1st place using a makeshift card that I got from opening a chest and buying it with merit

Aha that is great , I will try this next time. Thanks.

!giphy great

yes. Using monster cards that have healing and double strike abilities is quite good for battle


!giphy thanks


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This weekend, I stopped by the card market to see what was interesting and was a little overwhelmed by the amount of new cards and abilities.
I would have to check in the community which cards are strong and useful today.
The game has evolved, I hope it continues to grow for the good of everyone.

!1UP Good work!


!giphy thank you so much


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!giphy thank you so much

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!giphy thank you so much


!giphy thank you


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!giphy thank you

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!giphy thank you so much


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This was a great post to absorb into the mind. I will be checking your posts daily. Have a good weekend my friend.

Thank you so much, for your kind words and blessings.

!giphy thank you so much

Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

!giphy thank you so much