Splinterlands Weekly Battle with Scavenger Ability Monster

Hello Everyone,



This week has been busy with Splinterlands battling, season end rewards and now the Share Your Battle weekly challenge.

We have an ability this week instead of the usual monsters getting featured.

As the original weekly challenge post says, there are 11 monsters with scavenger ability.

Unfortunately, I will have just one with that ability when I battle because of the limitations from summoners as most of my summoners are at level 4 or lesser.

Coming back to the challenge, that one monster which can scavenge is the Ant Miners.


Ant Miners is a common Fire splinter rewards card monster which gives melee attack and has couple of useful abilities including scavenge.

It's been useful in little league battles or battles involving melee mayhem, super sneak and even equalizer ruleset battles.


It's a low mana cost monster costing just 2, but it will be a useful monsters in certain rulesets because of it's scavenge and shield abilities.

It has a constant 1 melee attack until max level i.e. 10 and at level 10, it's melee attack will increase to 2.

The speed for this starts at 1 but increases to 2 from level 2 and finally ends at 3 from level 8 onwards.

It has armors too but which starts from level 4 onwards with a single armor and that's the max it can get.

It's life starts at 1 too, but it can increase to 3 as it's leveled up level 9.

Most of the time, we use this in middle to allow it gain some life before it comes to front and involves in battling.

Battle and Lineup:



This was an interesting battle since opponent used Yodin Zaku summoner which is my dream to own it one day atleast a level 1. But the cost right now is around $65 for level 1 card!!!!

Not sure the prices will come down as the Untamed packs are sold out and monsters prices have gone up since then.

Coming back to the battle, this was a battle with maximum mana cap i.e. 99, so no issues in selecting the monsters and utilized the gig mana cap to select monsters as below.

This battle had rulesets blast and up close & personal.

Blast enables a blasting effect for all the monsters allowing them to attack 2 or 3 monsters based on which monster they attack at which position.

Up Close & Personal allows only the monsters with melee attack to be used in the battle and if there are any with melee and other attacks like War Chaang, those will also be allowed.

Let's now see the lineup I used.



The 99 mana cap allowed me to use this at the front since this costs 10 mana and this with taunt ability, will attract all the attack towards it and allow other monsters to attack freely.

It's 4 attack means it will 4 + 2 since the blast ability is enabled for all the monsters.

Fineas Rage:


Used this in second position as this is with reach ability and also has 3 melee attack with life of 9.

This is with 5 speed and will be attacking faster than many other monsters.

Molten Ogre:


The Up close & personal ruleset means only melee attack monsters allowed and this monster with demoralize ability can reduce the melee attack by 1 thus giving advantage to the monsters I used.



The blast ruleset made me to use this back attack monster as it's a sneak attack monster and it's 6 attack means 6+3 and this accounted for most of the second line monsters to be removed.

Ant Miners:


Used the theme monster in Fifth position as I wanted it to have maximum life before it comes to the front position and attack more and more.

War Chaang:


Lastly, I used this monster to counter attack any possible sneak attack as this is with retaliate ability and it can even attack with it's 1 ranged attack.


The Up Close & Personal rule means, not all the monsters will be attacking in this battle since we can only use melee attack monsters.

The battle mana cap of 99 made me to use most of the monsters with huge lives.

Round 1:

It was a quite round as most of the monsters had high lives and none of the got removed inspite of having blast ability.

Magnor was able to hold itself and Sandworm inflicted most of the damage because of it's 6 melee attack.


Round 2:

The high lives for each monsters made them stay longer in the battle and there was a single monster got removed in this round and that was the Fineas Rage from opponent's lineup which was placed last on his lineup and Sandworm removed this.


Round 3:

This was a destructive round as 4 monsters got removed in this.

First, it was Molten Ogre from opponent's lineup followed by his front monster Chain Golem and then Sand Worm and the Magnor I used also got removed making it Four overall in this round.


Round 4:

This was another quite round as one of the opponents 2 remaining monsters removed with Goblin Mech losing out without attacking.


Round 5:

The last standing monster of Elven Defender got removed with it failing to attack in the only chance it got and that was a quick win for me without much difficulty even though Yodin Zaku summoner was used.

I guess the Blast ability allowed in this battle overshadowed Yodin Zaku as it will cost more for summoner, but wait!!! this was a 99 mana cap battle!!!!

Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

Yes, the lineup was good even against Yodin Zaku and I think usage of magnor was advantageous to me as it attracted all the attack towards it and theme monster of Ant Miners didn't have much role in this win!!!

If I wasn't using a scavenger monster like Ant Miners, I would have gone for another opportunity monster since this was melee attack only battle.

Do you like SCAVENGERS? Why or why not?

I do use scavenger monsters like Cave Slug, Screeching Vulture, Parasitic Growth and others, but, as I said, my limited level summoners doesn't allow the scavenge ability.

I hope you loved reading this battle details and the lineup of those BIG monsters.

I am just battling it out very less and also not writing much as it's limited to 1 or 2 blogs per week, but I hope I can battle more and blog more in the future.

Thanks and have a nice day.

Splinterlands is a card based Blockchain game and rewards it's users in the form of Crypto Currency viz. DEC for playing the games called as battles.

It's all fun while earning some Crypto.

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Great write up!

Always nice to see Yodin get taken down.

@tipu curate

Oh yeah, happy to see the end of Yodin Zaku :)
Thank you for tipu curate.

Nice battle, well strategized 👏 am a big fan of MAGNOR I just don't like every monster attack it 😃

Thank you, I was fortunate to get that Magnor from one of the packs I received in daily quest rewards.
I don't use it much as I don't have a tank healer, but when I see such high mana cap battles, I often use it at the back end to taunt all the monsters to attack it and I keep some strong monsters at the front to make them attack the front monster on the other side :)

That's a good idea, I recently bought MAGNOR and have been experimenting on ways to use it effectively, I will try your strategy 😃

Oh sure, I bet it works most of the times.
I think it will also be a good option even at the front if used with a tank healer:)

I looking at the market for a tank healer for fire and death Splinter anyone you can recommend?