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RE: So Now What Do We Do?

in Splinterlands2 years ago

Damn that sucks x)

Well, I wasn't in the town hall meeting, but I would be more interested in seeing the actually numbers the company is doing and see if it justified to let anyone go or if this was a bit of greed from the founders.

I am very spectic when it comes to layoff in the real worlds since CEO takes home millions sometimes.
But splinterland might be different :D


They didn't dive into too many numbers, but did say they are operating at about 1 million dollars in costs per month.


1 million in cost alone oO
Holy shit, thats a lot

agreed, this is what I was thinking... with raising over 40 million USD in chaos sales plus all the other things they have launched just seems strange

Well, the money can be going fast when you scale, no doubt. But I am more worried about founders being greedy.
But I ofc hope the Splinterlands are different :'D