Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! / Fab Four

in Splinterlands2 months ago

Hello lovers of play2ern games and specially Splinterlands.

One more week of challenge, one more week to demonstrate in the arena the skills acquired during years of playing this exciting game; this season I started a little late, I made my usual investment in rentals and I started playing, I have been doing quite well, I don't know if it is because of the changes that will be applied and the updates, but this season it seems that I will end up playing in the diamond league.


The battle of the challenge is a battle that I won in gold league, thanks to the investment in rentals, some cards as an experiment and other usual, however, the battle for this challenge I won with my traditional water element team, with a lot of magic attack in between, the truth is that I have managed to set up a team with water units almost invincible when I can use them all together.



Up to four Units can be used.

The set of rules we are dealing with this week, limits your choice to only four cards, no matter how much mana cost the battle allows you must distribute that mana cost in only four cards that you can use.

So every rule has its positive or negative implications, particularly, this rule favors me, because if I have low mana cost in battle I have a hard time choosing battle units, so when I have low mana cost I like it, but when we have a high mana cost, it limits me in my choice of cards since generally my rentals to play are cards with high mana cost.


My winning team...

The equipment I used in this battle, is my usual water element equipment, my usual rentals and my almost invincible equipment.

My summoner


Whenever I start a season I make a selection as my budget allows of a number of cards to keep me between silver and gold league and one of the summoners if not the only one I rent from the water element is ALRIC STORMBRINGER.

I choose this summoner as it gives +1 magic attack to all the cards I choose, as I am a fan of magic attack and the water element is my favorite.

First position (Tank)


Whenever I can play with this element I use this combination, unless there is some rule or mana consumption that merits putting it in second position DJINN OSHANNUS will always be my tank.

Use DJINN OSHANNUS for his attack, life, speed, and abilities which are Empty and Phase, Empty when a magic attack monster attacks this monster reduces a portion of his attack, Phase this ability makes one of my favorite parts of this monster allows rival monsters with magic attack to miss this monster.

Second position


Whenever circumstances allow me and I can use this lethal combination PHANTOM OF THE ABYSS will be behind Oshannus as backup, I hardly lose using these monsters.

Use PHANTOM OF THE ABYSS for its attack, life, speed and ability which is flying which allows you to dodge melee or ranged attacks from monsters that do not have the flying ability, and the other ability is dodge which allows you to evade melee or ranged attacks.

Third position


Use RULER OF THE SEAS because it has very good attack and acceptable speed and two very good abilities which are Explosion and Acceleration, Explosion Reduces a portion of life to the monster that is immediately behind the position of the monster that has been attacked, Acceleration adds +1 speed to all allied monsters.

Fourth Position


I use PRISMATIC ENERGY obviously for its magical reflex ability, but also because it is part of that deck with magical attack that I have to use with water, fire or earth as the case may be.

My battle, my victory.


I must say that this battle was relatively easy to win, firstly because of the equipment I used, and secondly I think that my opponent collaborated so that the battle was resolved in a short time and without much resistance from my opponent.

Beyond the skills demonstrated in game and strategy, I think my greatest strength is in the cards I choose to rent, although I do not make a big investment, I choose the right units to play in the league in which I play, not to mention that a few days before the end of the season I'm playing in diamond league for the first time in several years.

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