Getting used to "New Normal" in Splinterlands

in Splinterlands2 months ago

Hello to all game lovers, welcome to another edition of my blog!

The last few days we have experienced significant changes in the reward system and updates in our game platform, these changes have brought diverse opinions, some say that the changes made the reward system and the game as such worse, some are talking about abandoning ship and things like that.


If you ask me, I find interesting the dynamics of recent times in Splinterlands, as it is constantly refreshing and looking for ways to evolve into something better, each update introduced surely seeks to make the game more attractive, even if sometimes the desired impact is not achieved.

One of the positive things according to what I have read in some forums, more specifically in the official telegram channel in Spanish is that the developers are collecting all complaints and suggestions from players to make the necessary corrections and as I understand they are making adjustments, which is very positive for the game and the community; I think the developers are always looking for improvements for the game, so it is better to wait to see how the changes turn out and not make hasty decisions, it's just my opinion.

I would not like to extend so much in this post, however, I have some things to show, and what I try to show in this post is how I personally lived this "new normal" in our reward system and the recent updates, so let's get to the point.

How were my rewards this season....

I think the first thing to highlight is that I was playing in Diamond league, although I played since mid-season due to budget issues to rent, playing in an ata league I think is one of the benefits of the changes made.


This season I got from rewards only 3,298 Glint the new reward token and I still don't know what is better or more beneficial to do with my rewards, and this is what I did: Having this amount of Glin I headed to the store where we can buy some items with our earned token and this is what I got.


This was my decision, to go for the most expensive DRAW that allowed me to buy the accumulated GLINT, this is where I say that I do not know if it is better to buy the most expensive and higher level Draw or decide to compare the cheapest and get more, I think that practice will give it with the passing of the days, and will make us make the best decision, for now it was what I did .... The result of this decision in the following image.


In my first purchase I got this common card multiplied by X9, but I didn't realize to take capture at the moment of opening the DRAW.

After that, I was downgraded according to the amount of GLINT I had left and in my second purchase I got the following, a Rare Dragon summoner:


My third purchase allowed me to acquire two Draw of lesser value and left me with the following two common cards as a reward.


Already with little Glint in my wallet what allowed me to buy in the store my scarce 98 Glint was a legendary passion and so I used up what I won in battles, but the matter does not end there.



After having used up all the Glint earned in battles, I still didn't know how the Glint allotment worked, so I closed the game and left, but two days later I came back to check and noticed that with an update 6,596 Glint arrived to my account, which if I had known I was waiting to join with the previous ones to compare in the store.


Then I went to the store to buy, according to the same mechanics of the previous comparison, buy a Draw of the most expensive as allowed me the amount of Glint I had and then degrade my purchases according to the amount that was left, resulting in the following purchases and rewards:


My first purchase with this Glint reward yielded an epic neutral card x2.


The second Draw this common fire card x2.


The result of the third one was this rare water summoner x2.


In my last purchase what I got was the coyote of death.

To conclude, the rest of the rewards obtained this season that I am finishing, is the SPS won in battle, which gave me a total of 18,685 to reach the sum of 547,950 SPS in Stake.



So far I do not know if it got better or worse, some people talk about the amount of chests that were obtained, or they particularly won in their respective leagues, I will wait for this season to play a little more to get an idea of how beneficial the changes introduced may be or if on the contrary they are detrimental to the game.

For now I will continue playing and trying to grow little by little, understanding and assimilating our new reality and adapting as best as possible to the changes, I invite you to do the same.

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