
I just think it's awesome people don't have to feel like they're tied down. Could be anything from Splinterlands or an offering from a subcommunity like LEO as example. Can step away if one feels the time is right, and not lose everything in the process.

And dude you have so much class. No bridges are on fire. People are supportive.

This bewilderment is impressive.

The only reason there are no bridges on fire is because I don't know how to swim. Many people have offered to educate me, gleefully, without concrete footwear.

A bridge is the only way I can ever get over any body of water.

It's with some irony that my Keep is in a lake. Perhaps I'm drowning in the opportunistic uncertainty that the future holds.

I am vulnerable to thought.

Well. You've gone ahead and left every option on the table and it's all for you to pick up. Figuring this out will be a breeze and the results will be in your favor.

Well played. Good game.