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RE: Dreams Of Building A Splinterlands eSports Guild

in Splinterlands3 years ago

I tell ya man, I am not into the game stuff...BUT...I came across today. Never knew it existed after all this time. Showed it to my oldest son who is a soccer fanatic (played for DII college) and he is interested in playing with me. He is not even into crypto at all, doesn't even think crypto makes sense.

I am telling you, these are the type of things that are going to change the world, not only financially, but will bridge many gaps, bring families, people, and countries together.

Hive really pisses me off sometimes, but then out of nowhere it slaps me in the face and reminds me of why I am on this glorious redheaded bastard step-child of a blockchain chain.


Oh man, Hive is the gift that keeps on giving. And these games are going to help so many people get a taste of it!

Just the start of this stuff for sure :)

Yes, and as more creative minds come to the blockchain, things like Actifit (which I wish they would improve on) and other real-world uses will come alive.