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RE: Calendar Giveaway + Winner - 27 May 2024 (Ratings!)

in Splinterlands29 days ago

Hello brother,

I see some guys getting 2SPS per battle with level 4 cards and maybe they have a huge amount of staked SPS. I don't know how much I need to capture 2 SPS per battle? Do you have any idia? 🤑 !PGM

The cycle becomes addictive to cure previous losses and this never ends even if the player wants to leave it has to stick to get more SPS to breakeven, Time waste in most cases. 🤣 !LOLZ

Iziar is a very good card, many players use it as a protection with intimidation and easily win the match, his magic attack is the key to win. I also look for this one. 😎

I saw people in England are less friendly than people in Northern Ireland, Irish people have seen a lot of revolutions and that's why they are humble and down-to-earth. But, there are always some good and bad people. It's about perceiving. !LUV 😍

Yes tourist have a good experience except some events, but if you know Sri Lanka, the people are more friendly, but not like more hospitable like Pakistanis. hehe

Wish you a great Tuesday and have wonderful time bro.

Rating 7


Hello my friend,

I am getting around 2 SPS on 1800 rating with 37k SPS, but there was a table somewhere where you could see how much staked SPS you need for your rank. !PGM 😇

I am thinking to try to do another run to get some SPS, but the problem that I can not spend more than 600-700 per day to get breakeven, but at least I collect some Glint. !LOLZ 😅

Plus his Martyr ability is amazing, because of the Taunt every monster will attack him first and activate that ability. !LUV 😜

Did you enter the Rise of the Champions tournament? If you didn't do it, because everyone will be able to use all the cards at max level for very good prizes, just need to verificate your account against the bots! 😁


I used to work with a guy from Sri Lanka and he was friendly too, but he said there was times when he was child that it was very dangerous over there, but now it is mostly okay. !LUV 😊

Have a lovely day brother and do not forget the event! Take care! 😉