Rebellion Cards Reveal (Part - II)

in Splinterlands7 months ago

We are just 5 days away from witnessing a new era of Rebels and it will bring more chaos and destruction in the Splinterlands battleground than ever. The Rebellion packs will be opened and the general sale will kick off on the 5th of December, 2023.

The players are eager to reveal the cards they will catch up in the Rebellion packs, they are already thinking of new strategies with these cards and want to unleash a fury on their opponents with rebel fighters.

Last week we revealed 9 cards in Rebellion Card Revel (Part-I) and discussed their potential use in ranked battles and brawls. Today, we will see some more Rebellion cards and discuss their utilities in the game.


Mar Toren Seeker

Mar Toren Seeker is a rare water unit and possesses 3 incredible abilities that give him an edge in battle. Being a merman, he is agile and snipes his target from behind using Snipe ability, he can dive in the water using his Dodge ability and avoids some melee and ranged attacks, but from level 5 onwards, he gains Phase ability that helps him evade magic attacks like melee and ranged attacks. Let's see his overall stats in the image below.

He needs 4 mana to be placed in a battle lineup, which means he can be a good fit for Little League ruleset and battle allocating low mana points. His attack remains the same in each level but he builds up more speed and becomes beefy as he gains new levels.

With his entry into the Water faction, there will be more power for players who use ranged units. The monster with magic, ranged, and no ability will not be safe in the backline as he shoots them first.


Moxian Rebel

A true rebel at heart and sworn to end the tyranny of Chaos Legion, Sharielle Larimer hones herself with wizardry skills and becomes an ambusher. She is a rare neutral monster and can be fit into any team, his stats are quite impressive compared to her 4 mana cost.

Her first ability is Weapons Training, then she gets **Phase from level 4, and finally she adds Camouflage at level 8. Her magic attack remains the same for all levels but she earns more Speed, Armor, and Health points as she levels up.

Weapons Training is revamped and now this ability adds full attack power to adjacent units, but there's more to it, the attack stats remain with the adjacent units even when the monster with Weapons Training dies. This ability is now very powerful and using it with a damage-boosting summoner means the ability holder and its nearby units can do a lot of raw damage.

She can be paired with non-attack type cards such as Naga Brute, Krash Wanderford, Mermaid Healer, Noa the Just, and similar cards. Being a neutral element, she can be a dream unit of any team, especially magic teams.


Redwyrm Dragon

These epic dragons breathe fire and follow red wyrm Rage, a dragon whose fury is unmatchable. Redwyrm Dragons can fly and often attack human colonies to collect bounties for Rage and offer him a nice of portion of their collection. Following are the stats of Redwyrm Dragon.

Redwyrm Dragon can fly and evade some melee and ranged attacks with Flying ability, she has Immunity to certain negative effects such as poison, affliction, blind, and stun. Redwyrm can stun her targets from level 5, Stun ability paralyzes the targeted unit and it cannot heal itself and also has fewer chances of evading an attack.

This dragon can be used as a tank because it can evade attacks with speed and flying. His scales provide him with 5+ armor and his magic damage remains the same. Redwyrm Dragon can be a formidable opponent against units that apply negative effects on units.


Runeseer Sevaya

Runeseer Sevaya Sen is a legendary support unit, she is a wizard with the power of runemancy and clairvoyance, she knows things from the future and can aid her allies in battles with her 5 abilities that she learned during the travels through various rifts. Look at her stats which are pretty straightforward in the image shown below.

She only has Speed and Health that remain the same at every level, but she gains more support abilities instead. She starts her journey with Cleanse and Protect abilities at level 1, Cleanse removes negative status effects from the first unit and Protect adds +2 armor to all friendly units. At level 2 she learns Blind and she reduces enemy visibility with Blind debuff and attacks have a 10% chance of being missed. She adds Repair ability at level 3, now she can also mend broken armor of a unit. Finally, she masters Amplify ability and it boosts indirect damage caused by Thorns, Return Fire, and Magic Reflect.

She is a huge support to a team; she can perform lots of actions if fully upgraded to level 4. Even at level 1, she can be fitted into a Little League battle and the team will get +2 armor to protect them from some melee and ranged damage. She can support a Taunt monster from behind and clear off its negative effect. But, if she can be placed adjacent to Moxian Rebel or any Weapon trainer, she can also do additional damage to enemy units. She is one of the best support units players will find in Splinterlands so far.


Ulundin Overseer

This bulky hippo-like monster is a territory guard of city borders, he is a common Ulund unit with neutral splinter, he cannot fight on his own, but he stands tall in front of enemies like a wall of rocks. Now, let's have a look at his stats.

12 HP, 5 Armor, and 1 Speed, and the card needs 11 mana to be placed in a battle slot. His Flank ability can enable any melee unit to attack from 2nd position as he gives them Reach ability. Now, imagine if he is placed in first position and add another melee monster with 4 or more attack power, take Goblin Mech for example, you'll see that enemy units will pray for his dismissal while Mech can tear the armor and remove the enemy tank from behind.

Suppose we put him under summonership of Kelya Frendul and the 2nd unit in line should be Kulu Mastermind, a Weapon Trainer, he will gain 4 attack which means he can deal 4 melee damage to the tank. Give him a healer and armor repair units and he will be a hell of a nuisance for your opponent.

Ulundin Overseer becomes more beefy and sturdy as he levels up, he gains 17 health points and 10 Armor points at level 10, but his weight does not allow him to get any speed.


Pirate of Eight

The pirate crew is back in action with a new member called Pirate of Eight, she is a rare water unit, and she is a skillful melee unit and possesses Reach and Blast abilities. Her stats are not that good but she does extra damage with Blast ability.

She does not gain any other ability after leveling up further, but her stats improve dramatically. At level 10, she becomes a small devil with 4 Attack, 4 Speed, and 6 health.

Since she has got Reach and can attack from 2nd position, she can be a lethal combo in battles with Little League ruleset and low mana battles.



Croire is an epic Earth monster and he lives in Mox City, he is a thief by profession and only steals from rich people. Whenever he goes out on a burglary, he keeps a few street beggars with him to protect him from an alleged brawl if happens. His stats are quite nice and needs only 6 mana to be placed in a battle slot.

He does not fight alone because he needs accomplices for his criminal activities, therefore he gives hands-on weapon training to his goons with his Weapon Training ability and also provides Reach ability using his Flank ability. If there are units that have no attack, he can make them resourceful enough to deal nice damage equal to his.

Croire has health regenerative power, he can heal himself from level 4 onwards. His healing makes him stand longer in the battle and if he gets a martyr boost, he becomes abnormally hard to kill.


Chaos Golem

This mechanical junk was created by Tenni Mayla and used to serve the Chaos Empire, they are preprogrammed to protect the empire and know no other thing except fight mode.

Chaos Golem is a legendary Fire unit and he is just built to kill with his amazing skills and stats. He can be upgraded up to the 4th level and has got Return Fire, Enrage, and Retaliate abilities.

Chaos Golem brings chaos on the battlefield as he reflects projectiles thrown on him back to the attackers, when he gains Enrage on level 2, he gets nightmarish attack and speed when he is not at full health. From level 3, he can attack back to any melee unit that attacks him using his Retaliate ability.

overall, he is a powerful tank set for withstanding heavy blows and decimating enemy units with his powerful melee blows. He can be placed in the backline during Super Sneak and Equal Opportunity rulesets.

He can be also used with other beefy monsters with Flank to give him reach ability and use him as a tank destroyer in mostly high mana battles. Chaos Golem is an excellent addition to the Fire faction as it strengthens the melee power of the Fire element.

As we are a few days away from opening packs and playing Rebellion cards, players are rushing to get their hands on these new cards as soon as possible to gain an upper hand on their opponents.

I expect that players will quickly change their strategies and update them with Rebellion cards because this game-changing edition is about to give us a new battle system that will definitely bring more competition and challenges.


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