The Last Ever Daily Rewards

in Splinterlandslast month


It's the end of an era. The whole time I have played Splinterlands, for more than 2 years, there was one thing that remained constant: every day there were rewards to be collected. These were the last ones I got, even after I collected the last EoS rewards. There was a pop-up to collect the Daily Focus rewards. Sadly, I had a busy day and could only get 2 chests (I was in the middle of the third when the game stopped battles).

Out of those 2 chests, 1 epic each, both cards I still have yet to max out. Not bad. I wish there were multiple copies but every single one helps reach the goal. I've done much worse with many more chests.


Thank you for sharing this impressive battle.
Season finale is almost here, do you have any plan for use of your GLINT token rewards?
Also, nice rewards