SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! ELVEN CUTTHROAT Breaker of the enemy's rearguard defense.

in Splinterlands3 years ago


Hello.. hello Hivers, and welcome back to my post on the Splinterlands card battle.

Today I'll tell you about my battle with ELVEN CUTTHROAT. This is the theme of this week's Splinterlands Battle Challenge.

You may also participate in this weekly challenge by clicking on the following link:



The ELVEN CUTTHROAT is a monster of the neutral kind. This monster performs a long-range sneak strike. By combining 505 cards, you can reach level 10. When you reach the highest level, you will get no new abilities, but both speed and attack power will be increased to the maximum.


The ELVEN CUTTHROAT card costs three mana points. This card's neutral type allows it to be coupled with monsters of different types. Most importantly, because of its speed, this card has the ability to turn the tide of a battle by destroying the weakest monster behind the opponent line in the first round. This sneak's ability will destroy the opponent in the enemy's rear row. This card is part of the starter cards, so even if you don't have it yet, you can use it in battle.

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9.pngGARGOYA DEVIL Level 1 Ability : Flying & Close Range
8.pngPELACOR CONJURER Level 1 Ability : Flying
7.pngLUMINOUS EAGLE Level 1 Ability : Flying & Reach
5.pngGARGOYA LION Level 5 Ability : Flying & Void


1.pngDJINN CHWALA Level 1 Ability : Thorns
2.pngHAUNTED SPIRIT Level 1 Ability : Heal
3.pngELVEN CUTTRHOAT Level 1 Ability : Sneak
4.pngTWISTED JESTER Level 1 Ability : Snipe

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This battle is limited to 24 mana points, and only the cards of the fire, Dragon, Dark, and life types are used. Ruleset : Earthquake and Spreading Fury



I have the benefit of having a BRIGHTON BLOOM Summoner in this battle, where the extra rule of the game is earthquakes. I may freely pick the monsters I use with Summoner BRIGHTON BLOOM without being impacted by earthquakes.


The first round begins with all monster cards on the battlefield receiving a summoner's bonus. I get the flying and enrage bonuses on the cards in my deck. The benefit of the opponent deck is an increase of one health point and enrage.


The Twisted Jester immediately attacked the Pelacor Conjurer. Meanwhile, Djinn Cwhala was the target of the Luminous Eagle, the Gargoya Devil, and the Gargoya Lion. Elven Cutthroat springs into action by attacking the enemy's rearguard.

In round 2, all enemy cards get a multiple of the number of attack and speed points due to enrage. In this round, Djinn Chwala managed to get rid of Gargoya Lion.


The Luminous Eagle was successfully eliminated by Djinn Chwala in the third round. The Pelacor Conjurer advanced to the enemy's vanguard as a result. The Pelacor Conjurer got quickly killed by the Twisted Jester after repositioning. Meanwhile, Elven Cutthroat continues to whittle away at the Devil's gargoya's 1 point of health. As a result of the onslaught, my forces win the fight.


As a consequence of this victory, my combat rating increased by 19 points.


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In this fight, I put an elven cutthroat in my deck line because it requires a battering ram from the enemy's rearguard. Assuming that the enemy doesn't have a summoner that grants the ability to fly, there will be little choice of monsters to use. That's why I put DJinn Chwala in the front row. With his thorn ability, I hope to be able to control the movement of enemies that use melee attacks.

In order to secure the position of Elven Cutthroat, I placed the Haunted Spirit with its excess healing ability in the second row. So if someone attacks the haunted spirit, then the ability to recover health points will certainly increase the number of rounds a little.

The Twisted Jester's location is related to its sniping capabilities. Which can attack the enemy from any position. With a 2 point attack power, this card will aid the Elven Cutthroat's back attack.

Did my strategy work?
My approach and card placement worked. The Elven Cutthroat contributes to the battle by eliminating the enemy's monsters in the back row.

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Okay all, that's all I can share about the fight I played using Elven Cutthroat. Thanks for your support. See you in the next post. I hope I can contribute a lot to this community.

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🌊 Much appreciated. Terima kasih banyak. Muchas gracias. 🌊

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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121