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RE: Wanted: Non-Botting Bronze and Silver Wild Players

in Splinterlands4 months ago

About Me:

My IGN was @saydie and I have been here since November 2021 just before Chaos Legion Presale. The reason that I started the game was that I am looking for an Axie alternative and after some research, I found Splinterlands. Having played some TCG games before such as Yu-gi-oh! and MTG, I got curious in the game and started to learned more about it by watching videos from youtube. Among the influencers that time, I think that the content that @luke-wtp made was the most newbie friendly together with handy-dandy spreadsheet which have shown his rental cost and earnings. Eventually, I started to get a grasp of the game so when the presale starts, I purchased 20 CL packs. Sad to say, I got no, Doctor Blight, no gold foil and no legendary but it is what it is and the cards I have have helped me to win more battles on Bronze League which I have been playing during that time.

My Assets:

What league did you play before, and how high do you climb now?

I am manual player playing both modern (70%) and wild (30%) but speaking of wild only, the highest league that I'm staying would be in silver 1 before the removal of league cap as I am just trying to used up my excess energy during my busy days or when I reached a certain league on modern before the season end but do not want to risk of dropping but still have lots of energy to spare. When the league caps where removed, I was able to reach wild diamond in the first season but was not really happy since I am just facing mostly either 1 bcx cards and starter cards or soulbound decks that just extracting for whatever reward they could earn while on modern, even after renting gold cap deck, I still barely able to reach gold 2 since I am facing mostly max level cards and because of that, I just decided to stop playing neither of the league and was only playing for brawls.

Do you own or rent cards? Which ones? What do you want next?

For this account, all the cards that I used to play was my own as I managed to eventually have a bronze cap CL deck (including riftwatchers and rewards) by slowly buying packs and and individual packs on the market together with the packs that I previously earned from chest.

I also have max level rewards which I delegate to the scholar account that I am playing since it only have the core CL cards.

Aside from this, I also own rebellion cards where some, I used to enter brawls and some to also delegate to the scholar account. My initial plan was to have silver- gold level rebellion deck but with the continued changes, I just don't know what to do next.


What do you usually do with your SPS? What is your multiplier now? Do you own or rent SPS and how much?

As of the moment, I currently have 38k SPS, where 15k was liquid, finding an opportunity to sold it while the rest, I delegate on my alternate account @agonyaccepted which is playing in modern diamond, relying mostly on rentals and the reason I kept on playing it was that it has a Runi and Arkemis the Bear delegated by my Guild Leader.


What is a typical season rewards for you?

The last season that I played on wild, In earned about 90 SPS playing at diamond league at 8x multiplier based on what I remember.

How do you like the Glint shop updates? Anything you'd like to see?

I the glint store as it gives me more control on the rewards compared to the chest and the fact that I can burn my excess soulbound card for glint allows me to further increase the rewards I get by burning the gold cards that I could get on the store.

How do you expect the new season fee to affect you?

I own a decent amount of SPS and also does not require to rent cards so even when I pay for the fee on wild, I can still earn which can also increase if majority of the bot farms stop playing. This might also increase the competitiveness in lower leagues too as we might see less accounts with 1 bcx cards playing.

Any other comment?

This thing more concerns about modern than wild as even when we are many seasons have already passed, you can still see lots of max level account on lower leagues cause the rating of the players barely move even when they have close to 50% win rate which has either pushed away many low level player on wild or completely quit the game. So maybe, the team can restore the ELO system in modern to let max level decks play on the league that they are supposed to be and allowing low level players to also have some fun too.