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RE: Splinterlands Mystery Card Challenge #2 ~ Winner: @seeweed

in Splinterlands2 years ago

My Answer is "Djinn Renova"

I think I figured out your trick but it somehow spelled "venari" hence I was stuck for a long time because if that's the case it should be "venari _____"

I don't have much RC to spend so I hope I'm right @seeweed


Awesome! You got it right. Thanks for participating despite having low RC.

I'll consider Venari as your primary answer since you figured it out anyway. The "venari _____" was intentional because the prize were three Venari cards. Three just like what's in the clue.

I'll send the cards to seeweed game account within the hour.

Venari cards transferred! See you again in the next challange. Thanks!


Congrats @seeweed, nice one, can wait for the next challenge, i will try again 👍

Posted it a lot earlier than I initially intended. Check out the next challenge here.

Thanks for joining! Since it's almost a full week since the last one, I'll probably make another challenge within tomorrow :D