Splinterlands Daily Update | New Promo Legendary Zyriel | Market Watch: BTC Returns to $28k, HIVE $0.40 (April 25, 2023)

in Splinterlandslast year


  • 8 diamond chests
  • 2 legendary cards (!!!)
  • 1 summoner card
  • 2 rare cards
  • 2 common cards

Daily Focus Chests: +8 Diamond | 79 Diamond Total

  • Wild Diamond League: Another Day of Rating Drop
  • Ended the day at 3450 rating
  • Hitting the wall again, hopefully I will break through soon
  • Expecting 9 chests tomorrow

Splinterlands - New Legendary Promo Card on May 2nd - Zyriel (Life/Death)

Worth it? What are your thoughts?

Crypto Market Today - Rebound

  • BTC rebounded $1k to $28.4k
  • HIVE followed the bounce back to a lesser degree (weakened against BTC yet again)

The Usual Screenshots 👇







🙀🙀🙀 💸💸💸

That is expensive. How long will it take to make the investment back?

Lol. Hard to say. Years?

It is expensive, but worth it I think. I won't be attempting to buy, too broke to be bothered.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Probably a pass for me. The pace of this game from spending perspective is not sustainable.

Rather stack more sats 😁

ahaan, you are doing amazing, and the market today is also green, start of a bull run? :D

Who knows lol. Or double triple quadruple top.