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RE: Splinterlands Strategies: Changing Rental Practices

in Splinterlands2 years ago

For me, I am handing over control of my assets for renting to someone else. If I can't see logs then how do I know what's happening?

I take it you used to use PeakM to rent, who charge 5%? This service is 20%, but does it gives you a significant increase in DEC over PeakM?


They only have the posting key so I'm not sure what they could be doing with my assets that I wouldn't be OK with. I can see what they are renting for.

Yes I used to use Peak and I agree 20% seems a bit steep in comparison but it is a huge time saver for me. It's difficult to measure the exact increase in DEC because of all the recent changes but it looks substantial to me, even with the 20% fee.

Apart from the time saving aspect the biggest advantage seems to be that the cards are rented for a higher percentage of time at optimum rents.