Splinterlands Media Challenge - Card Analysis - Lira The Dark

in Splinterlands2 years ago


Hi guys, I've been missing this week because I ended up needing to work a lot more than usual. So I ended up breaking my sequence of posts for the month. (One day I'll get the badge to post for 1 month straight)

Anyway, let's go to the challenge of the week, today I'm going to analyze the fourth airdrop card given to those who bought the chaos pack, Lira The Dark.

Right now the card is worth 6.13 dollars, which represents 1,784.613 DEC.



This card reminds me a lot of the Dragon Jumper (which by the way is one of my favorites of the dragon type). But it has its differences, like having ranged attacks and being faster. Both have Snare and Opportunity, and the difference beyond the price is that Lira has Swiftness, giving everyone on the team +1 speed.


“Lira was turned into a vampire as a young woman when she attended a party of the rich and powerful, only to later realize that the majority of the guests were vampires. However, Lira did not see her new self as a monster. Rather, she saw her vampirism as an opportunity. Lira was born into a high-standing family that struggled with maintaining their wealth, so she embraced the transformation and set to work building her power and influence.”
Across the Splinterlands, the name Lira the Dark is said with fear and awe. Other vampires envy the power she has achieved. She has had to defend her manor many times against those seeking to unseat her. The corpses of those who have tried now hang from her walls as a warning to others.

I cut out some lore, but you can see the entire lore at the link below.

Removed from Splinterlands website

Out of all the months I've played Splinterlands, I've never given much importance to the death splinter, so I don't play with them much, consequently I don't know what kinds of combos can be done right away. But I'm looking forward to facing the people who will use this card!

Hope you enjoyed this review! See you around.

This is an official post for the Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. If you liked the challenge and want to participate, make a post and share it with more people.

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Hope you enjoyed this review! See you around.



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