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RE: Daily Quest Stream Replay - October 18, 2021 - Dragons Everywhere!

in Splinterlands3 years ago

I am very excited to open the packs and I want to get some golden cards to be able to play in the Silver League as soon as possible, in addition to that I have to play with the dragon team to be able to participate in the challenge launched by the game account so I learned some of the strategies that you used in battles, Thank you my friend for this wonderful video.
Yesterday I succeeded in sharing my daily mission video on Hive using 3Speak and I think the video will be great, I hope you give me your opinion on it:
Again, thanks for you


Nicely done! I like the effort you went to with explaining your choices in the body of the post in addition to the video!

I am grateful to you my friend for the moral support you give me, you are a role model for me here on this site and in the game, I always try to learn from you, you are a wonderful person