QUESTION: Do tokenized Chaos Legion packs on the Hive-Engine still count for the SPS airdrop? Thank you!

in Splinterlands2 years ago (edited)


Hi guys,

Do tokenized Chaos Legion packs on the Hive-Engine still count for the SPS airdrop? Thank you!

If yes, is it the case for any token (DEC, SPT) of the game left on Hive-Engine?

Knowing this would help me avoid opening packs unintentionally. ;)

If someone has the answer, please write it down in the comment section for people who might stop by with the same question in mind.

Thank you for your help!


PS: Ongoing little giveaway, 4 days left.


Yes, I believe the tokenized packs will give you SPS airdrop points. You will have to import them into your Splinterlands wallet(I believe). I think the same is true for DEC, but I'm not as sure.

EDIT: I've tried it myself with one of my packs yesterday and I still got the Airdrop points from it!
Thanks for your insight @alphawog!