Dumacke Orc and the Equalizer Ruleset

in Splinterlands3 months ago

Hello Splinters Family

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My topic for today is about Dumacke Orc and the equalizer ruleset. Dumacke Orc is a neutral-element melee attacker with one life. At level 1, he has a shield ability, and upon reaching level 5, his abilities are enhanced with retaliate. Upon reaching level 9, his final ability, thorns, is added. Below are the complete details of Dumacke Orc's stats.


Based on the lore in splinterlands.com, Dumacke Orc lived in a world devastated by Chaos Legions. They had lost their sight but gained enhanced hearing until a technomancer named Yaalbraith gifted them with Bright Eyes goggles to see again. After feeling abandoned by Yaalbraith, they found solace and loyalty with the Riftwatchers. The story then follows Lagakh, a pale orc, as she uses her skills to eliminate threats and protect her people in a harsh and unforgiving world. You can read the whole lore of Dumacke Orc on splinterlands.com.

Dumacke Orc is often used in the equalizer ruleset because, in this ruleset, he gains extra life where he becomes equal to the highest life on the battlefield. His abilities, shield and retaliate, are further strengthened in Dumacke, which is why he is often placed in the front or back to protect against sneak attackers. In my games, I also frequently use Dumacke when the ruleset is the equalizer, especially when magic cannot be used in battle. Because of his shield, he has strong protection against physical attacks, and whenever I use him, his retaliate ability often triggers during battles.

I will now show you my battle in one of the tournaments I joined sponsored by SPS DAO. In this battle, the ruleset is equalizer, so I used Dumacke Orc for the 1st position. I chose him over Diemonshar because of his retaliate and shield abilities. Come, let's watch how I won this battle.

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The battle condition is 49 mana caps The elements that you can use are water and dragon. The rulesets is equalizer.


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The summoner I chose for this battle is Possibilus The Wise. I selected him as the summoner because he provides an additional +2 life to all units. And since I will be choosing melee attackers for the first and second positions, Possibilus's reach ability will help the second position to attack the first position. For the first position, I chose Dumacke Orc, a melee attacker with retaliate and shield abilities at level 5. I chose Dumacke Orc because he is sturdy against the opponent's physical attacks. For the second position, I chose Noa The Just, a no-attack monster with rust and dodge abilities at level 3. Rust is a significant help in reducing the opponent's armor. For the third position, I chose Kulu Mastermind, a melee attacker with weapons training, opportunity, and shield abilities at level 2. His weapons training will provide the melee attack ability to Noa The Just and Clockwork Aide. Kulu Mastermind's opportunity ability can attack in any direction to target low-life units on the battlefield. For the fourth position, I chose Clockwork Aide, a no-attack monster with swift ability. Clockwork's swift ability will provide +1 speed to all units while he is alive in battle. For the fifth position, I chose Daarg Deadblast, a magic attacker with swift, triage, and weapons training abilities at level 2. Daarg's swift ability will provide an additional +1 speed to all units, so the total speed units will get is +2 because of Clockwork and Daarg. Daarg's weapons training ability will provide additional magic attack ability to Clockwork, and his triage ability will heal the back line of units. Finally, for the sixth position, I chose River Hellondale, a magic attacker with resurrect and inspire abilities. Hellondale's inspire ability will provide an additional +1 melee attack to all melee attackers, and the resurrect ability will revive the first unit that dies in battle.




Because of using Kulu Mastermind with 9 life, all monsters in the battlefield now have 9 life each. So, Dumacke Orc, who previously had 1 life, now has 9 life. And since Possibilus The Wise provides an additional +2 life, the total life of my unit is now 11.


Because Clockwork Aide was sandwiched between two weapons training with different attack abilities, Clockwork Aide now has two types of attack abilities: a melee attack from Kulu Mastermind and a magic attack from Daarg Deadblast.


Because of Noa The Just's speed and dodge abilities, most physical attacks against him miss.


Because Dumacke Orc's shield and the attack used by my opponent was a physical attack, they were unable to knock down Dumacke Orc in round 1. Instead, Dumacke Orc killed the opponent's Diemonshark.


In round 2, because of Hellondale's resurrect ability, Dumacke Orc was revived. In this round, my Noa The Just killed the opponent's Coastal Sentry, and his trample ability also triggered, so he attacked the opponent's Noa The Just in the second position.


In round 3, the opponent finally killed my Dumacke Orc, and because Kulu Mastermind has the trample ability from the summoner, the opponent also attacked my Noa The Just, but it missed due to his speed and dodge abilities. Not only did Kulu Mastermind miss the attack, but also the ally who attacked Noa The Just missed due to his speed and dodge abilities.


The opponent's attacks continued to miss Noa The Just from round 3 until round 5. So, in round 5, Deepluker couldn't survive anymore because of the amount of damage he received from my units.

That's all for my topic until the next Social Media Challenge. I hope you got some ideas from my battle. bye for now always take care all of us.

All the images in this article are credited to splinterlands.com
The divider frame for my rebellion and Philippines flag divider is credited to kyo-gaming.
The Divider dec is credited to flauwy
You can find more dividers from kyo LINK and flauwy LINK

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