Gods Game

Insisting that the Universal creator established the world we all live in.

That the life experience of being is an adventure in a world of infinite possibilities.
Gods Game.


For myself that being so must make me a player in the Game of Life.


The flames of my imagination persistently
stoked with youthful exuberance & ambition to experience joy and love in the world.

Although met with the harsh reality of cold indifference of realism that had been adopted by the people of society.
Even so , my heart persisted .


“I will be the Love & Joy I am searching for.”

Committing to the role in spirit and presence I endured countless interactions of varying nature all seemingly providing more and more perspective as to what is dampening the expression of humanity.

I gained wisdom from the love & appreciation I poured on to others experience .
I would listen & head advisement from all walks of being.
Once more glorifying life & giving purpose to their choices and expressions of experience.



However ,
My work is not done here yet.
With this great wisdom a path has blown open before me. A path of wondrous potential to help everyone living today and forever more.
Would you believe it.
I think I’m one of Gods “ players “ .
I move by the Will of Creation.
The wisdom and love in my heart has me on a journey of Universal proportions.


I don’t know what all lies ahead but I trust that the Infinite God of the Cosmos is directing my path. I hope to learn all it has in store for us & that I may get to share this beautiful companionship that’s unfolding with God ,right before the eyes of all of humanity!
Bringing God back to Mankind in the biggest mainstream way possible!


Teaching you all once again!
Nothing is Impossible for you !
To dream your biggest dream & believe in them with all your heart.
Because the God of Everything Loves you!
We Are With You!