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RE: Welcome to the LearnHive Community!

in LearnHive4 years ago (edited)

I was looking at starting a hive noob community myself but didn't think I would have time to keep on top of it. Glad somebody else is going ahead with it as I think that the timing is perfect to bring in new users and do it better this time around.

New apps, lots of media coverage, bitcoin halving, covid lockdowns, hopefully a rise in crypto prices equals to a lot of new eyeballs looking to get into crypto. Ways to get involved with it as well as new revenue streams from home.

We already have far more onboarding options to get new accounts and with communities I see a way to attract and retain new users if they can get a good start and pointed in the right direction. That and how existing users decide to act going forward.

Attitude reflects leadership so if the larger stake holders want a successful thriving eco-system then they will need to act accordingly. Fresh chain, fresh start. Having somewhere to land and get a little guidance is crucial and it's much better if we have it here than trying to send people to discord for the help.

I'll check in as well and answer questions where I can help. Good luck with it.


It feels a lot like 2016 and 2017 here. It's very exciting. :-) What I would love to do is to set a curation trail with the mods of this community so that whatever they curate they can have the full power of my vote behind them...and they could earn some curation rewards in the process.

We are looking for veterans like you to help out or write tutorials so your contributions are always welcomed :-)

No worries. I might not have as much time as I used to but I still love to stay active and help out the new users. I'll do what I can to show people the way around and get them on the right track. Since I am already involved with other groups like helpie and the terminal is what I like to do anyway.

I'll add a few posts to the group to get people started and can answer comments too to help them out as well. Just let me know if there is anything happening and I will try to help out where I can. 💪