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RE: When the day is a struggle...

in HiveBloPoMo2 years ago

That sounds so challenging. I have to take medication to get 3 or 4 hours in a row. I would not be surprised if the hospital triggered some depression. I dragged my carcass to the hospital to visit my Dad regularly when he had his triple bypass even though I felt like hell because I didn't want him to start to get down. Or more down. With no visitors, I just imagined it would feel very bad being in hospital. I also bought him a cell phone. He has held out all these years, but he needed the contact. He was grateful.

Thank you for your comment.



Yes contact with the outside world is needed when in a long hospital stay. I wish I had had some had my phone with me. The extent of 90 percent of my communication with people was "I gotta go pee", I was on bed lock down and had to have a nurse present when I got out of bed. So I am sure your dad really appreciated having his phone.

Sleep issues seem to be a big factor in a lot of lives, we need the uninterrupted sleep to heal, but sometimes our conditions just don't allow for that.

Writing is a help for many that have mild depression, I hope having a challenge to yourself helps. Kind of like talking to people in advance and then being able to sit back and read and then respond to them when the comment has been digested so as not to upset the system.

I think writing comments to people help me stay grounded, I may not post much, but sometimes I like to leave comments on meaningful post or those that make m think or laugh.