House Hunting

in HiveBloPoMo3 years ago

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Photo by Tierra Mallorca on Unsplash

Up until this point we've looked at a few potential houses, but haven't felt any great pull towards any of them. This is partly because our sale isn't quite finalised and we didn't want to get too far ahead of ourselves, but also because none of them really fit right or ticked enough of our boxes. They were either too small, or too far out from the CBD, or on land we felt was too low, too expensive, or we simply just didn't like them.

This week a house that seemed to suit a lot of our wishlist popped up. It's the first one I've been majorly excited about. We were keen to go check it out but still had the dilemma of not being quite ready. Do we let it go and wait until we're 100% ready, or take a punt on everything in our sale going smoothly and put in an offer? We decided to leap, but before I could contact the agent for an inspection the house suddenly appeared as under offer. It was disappointing, but I figured we just need to be patient and another suitable house would come along, this time when we were ready for it.

However, later this week the house is suddenly no longer under offer! The dilemma is back in play.

This time I instantly contacted the agent to arrange an inspection time so we could go inspect, poke and prod. I want to know if it has a good feel to it when you walk through the front door, and if it really would be a good fit for us - sometimes the photos online can be misleading. I also want to check out the street and neighbourhood a little closer. So that's all happening tomorrow, which is quite exciting. It also means that any big decisions can be put off for another 24 hours.

It may not be "the one", but then again, maybe it is :-)

Until next time,


Original content created by @Sammie. Photo from Unsplash.