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RE: When the day is a struggle...

in HiveBloPoMo2 years ago

I cannot sleep. If I go to sleep without a sleeping pill of some sort, I wake after an hour. That is likely depression also. I have finally found a new doctor and have an appointment next week. I have very little hope or optimism about this, but I should try.

That is not necessarily depression. It could be a sleep disorder, which can be caused by many things. The two main causes are health problems and too much stress. I know very well what is struggling, I experience it every day. If we struggle so much, then that can easily lead to too much stress, which can lead to sleep disorder. This case does not have anything to do with depression.

It is important to find the real cause, and to not get a false diagnosis. A false diagnosis, and consequently a false treatment can make the situation even worse. Much worse in some cases.

I hope that your new doctor will give find the real cause(s) of your sleeping problem(s).

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.


I know you probably mean well, but, having had this illness for 25 years, I think I know I have it.

My case is similar with the autism spectrum disorder, and with other disabilities, including having (being born with) multiple visual impairments. I have all of them since I live. This means almost 30 years. I will be 30 years old on 2022.09.17. So I absolutely/completely understand you.